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发布时间:2023-09-29 00:19:13

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

The Body Thieves

In the early nineteenth century in Britain,many improvements were being made in the
world of medicine.Doctors and surgeons were becoming more knowledgeable about the
human body.Illnesses that had been fatal a few years before were now curable.However,
surgeons had one problem.They needed dead bodies to cut up,or dissect(解剖).This
was the only way that they could learn about the flesh and bones inside the body,and the
only way to teach new surgeons to carry out operations.
The job of finding these dead bodies was carried out by an unpleasant group of people
called "body snatchers". They went into graveyards(墓地)at night and, using wooden
shovels to make less noise,dug up any recently buried bodies.Then they took the bodies
to the medical schools and sold them.A body could be sold for between £5 and £10,
which was a lot of money at that time.The doctors who paid the body snatchers had an
agreement with them一they never asked any questions.They did not desire to know where
the bodies came from,as long as they kept arriving.
The most famous of these body snatchers were two men from Edinburgh called William
Burke and Wil!iam Hare.Burke and Hare were different because they did not」ust dig up
bodies from graveyards.They got greedy and thought of an easier way to find bodies.
Instead of digging them up,they killed the poorer guests in Hare's small hotel.Dr Knox,
the respected surgeon they worked for,never asked why all the bodies they brought him
had been strangled(勒死).
For many years Burke and Hare were not caught because,unsurprisingly,the bodies
of their victims were never found by the police.They were eventually arrested and put on
trial in 1829.The judge showed mercy to Hare and he was released but Burke was found
guilty and his punishment was to be hanged.Appropriately,his body was given to the
medical school and he ended up on the dissecting table,just like his victims.In one small
way,justice was done.
Now,over 1 50 years later,surgeons do not need the help of criminals to learn their
skills.However,the science of surgery could not have developed without their rather
gruesome(令人毛骨惊然的)help. The bodies of Burke's and Hare's victims couldn't be found by the police because
A.they had been stolen.
B.they had been strangled.
C.they had been dissected.
D.they had been buried.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇 The Body ThievesI"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

The Body Thieves

In the early nineteenth century in Britain,many improvements were being made in the
world of medicine.Doctors and surgeons were becoming more knowledgeable about the
human body.Illnesses that had been fatal a few years before were now curable.However,
surgeons had one problem.They needed dead bodies to cut up,or dissect(解剖).This
was the only way that they could learn about the flesh and bones inside the body,and the
only way to teach new surgeons to carry out operations.
The job of finding these dead bodies was carried out by an unpleasant group of people
called "body snatchers". They went into graveyards(墓地)at night and, using wooden
shovels to make less noise,dug up any recently buried bodies.Then they took the bodies
to the medical schools and sold them.A body could be sold for between £5 and £10,
which was a lot of money at that time.The doctors who paid the body snatchers had an
agreement with them一they never asked any questions.They did not desire to know where
the bodies came from,as long as they kept arriving.
The most famous of these body snatchers were two men from Edinburgh called William
Burke and Wil!iam Hare.Burke and Hare were different because they did not」ust dig up
bodies from graveyards.They got greedy and thought of an easier way to find bodies.
Instead of digging them up,they killed the poorer guests in Hare's small hotel.Dr Knox,
the respected surgeon they worked for,never asked why all the bodies they brought him
had been strangled(勒死).
For many years Burke and Hare were not caught because,unsurprisingly,the bodies
of their victims were never found by the police.They were eventually arrested and put on
trial in 1829.The judge showed mercy to Hare and he was released but Burke was found
guilty and his punishment was to be hanged.Appropriately,his body was given to the
medical school and he ended up on the dissecting table,just like his victims.In one small
way,justice was done.
Now,over 1 50 years later,surgeons do not need the help of criminals to learn their
skills.However,the science of surgery could not have developed without their rather
gruesome(令人毛骨惊然的)help. The body thieves contributed in their gruesome way to
A.medical advancement,
B.legal progress,
C.social stability.
D.material wealth.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Americans still have been gaining weight,although they have cut their average fat intake from 36 to 34 percent of their total diets in the past 15 years.Indeed,cutting fat to control or lose weight makes sense. Fat has nine calories per gram. Protein and carbohydrates(碳水化合物)which break down into amino acids and simple sugars respectively,have just four. Moreover,the body uses fewer calories to metabolize(新陈代谢)fat than it does to metabolize other foods.
But cutting fat from your diet doesn't necessarily mean your body won't store fat. For example, between nonfat and regular cookies,there's trivial difference in calories because manufacturers make up for the loss of fat by adding sugar. Low-fat crackers,soups and dressings can also be just as high in calories as richer versions.No matter where the calories come from,overeating will still cause weight gain.The calories from fat just do it a little quicker. A Wisconsin computer programmer who decided with a diet coach to eat only 40 grams of fat a day learned the lesson firsthand.He wasn't losing weight.Then he showed his food diary to his coach and revealed he'd been eating half a pound of jelly beans a day."They don't have any fat,"he explains.But they had enough sugar to keep him from losing an ounce.
Nonfat foods become add-on foods.When we add them to our diet,we actually increase the number of calories we eat per day and gain weight. That was born out in a Pennsylvania State University study.For breakfast,Prof. Barbara Rolls gave two groups of women yogurt that contained exactly the same amount of calories.One group's yogurt label said"high fat”一the other,"low fat". The"low fat"yogurt group ate significantly more calories later in the day than the other group. "People think they've saved fat and can indulge themselves later in the day with no adverse consequences,"says Richard Mattes,a nutrition researcher at Purdue University."But when they do that,they don't compensate very precisely,and they often end up overdoing it." What lesson did the computer programmer learn?
A.He shouldn't eat any sugar.
B.He should only eat nonfat food.
C.He shouldn't eat any food.
D.He shouldn't eat too much.


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