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发布时间:2023-10-13 16:49:35

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. Consciously or unconsciously,we show our true feelings with our eyes,faces,bodies and attitudes,causing a chain of reactions,ranging from comfort to fear.
Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings:an introduction to your future spouse,a job interview,an encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds.What did you feel and think?How did you"read"the other person?How do you think he read you?
You are the message.For 25 years I've worked with thousands who want to be successful.I've helped them make persuasive presentations,answer unfriendly questions,communicate more effectively.The secret has always been you are the message.Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities.They include:physical appearance,energy,rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice,gestures,expression through the eyes,and the ability to hold the interest of others.Others form an impressiont about you based on these.
Think of times when you know you made a good impression.What made you successful?You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-con-sciousness.
Many books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities.They instruct you to greet them with"power handshakes"and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice,you'll drive everyone crazy一including yourself.
The trick is to be consistent at your best.The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having a conversation,addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job.They communicate with their whole being;the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words. When we communicate with others,we should match our gestures with words.
C.Not mentioned

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 Research shows we mak"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. Consciously or unconsciously,we show our true feelings with our eyes,faces,bodies and attitudes,causing a chain of reactions,ranging from comfort to fear.
Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings:an introduction to your future spouse,a job interview,an encounter with a stranger. Focus on the first seven seconds.What did you feel and think?How did you"read"the other person?How do you think he read you?
You are the message.For 25 years I've worked with thousands who want to be successful.I've helped them make persuasive presentations,answer unfriendly questions,communicate more effectively.The secret has always been you are the message.Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities.They include:physical appearance,energy,rate of speech, pitch and tone of voice,gestures,expression through the eyes,and the ability to hold the interest of others.Others form an impressiont about you based on these.
Think of times when you know you made a good impression.What made you successful?You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment you lost all self-con-sciousness.
Many books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities.They instruct you to greet them with"power handshakes"and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice,you'll drive everyone crazy一including yourself.
The trick is to be consistent at your best.The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're having a conversation,addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job.They communicate with their whole being;the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words. According to the author the most important is not to change from one situation to another.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Research Shows Walking Can Lift Depression

New research by German scientists shows that author Charles Dickens was onto a good thing when he
took long,brisk walks to relieve periodic bouts of depression.The author of Oliver Twist and David
Copperfield would walk for hours in the l860s as an antidote to intense feelings of sadness which alternated
with restless euphoria.__________(46)
Aerobic exercise like rapid walking can be more effective at lifting depression than drugs,reported the
scientists led by Dr. Fernando Dimeo._________(47)The team found that in 10 of these patients drugs had
failed to bring any substantial improvement.The team devised an exercise regime for the group that involved
walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day.__________(48)The intensity of the training programme was
stepped up as the heart rate adapted.A measurement of depression severity was taken at the start and the
end of the programme,and patients were asked to rate their own mood regularly over a 10-day period.The
researchers in Berlin found that after 10 days of the course six patients felt"substantially less depressed".
___________(49)Two were slightly less depressed,while four others remained unchanged.Depression levels
overall fell by a thirds and on the self-assessed scores by 25 percent,said the researchers whose findings
appeared in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
The study was small but the extent of the improvement was said by scientists to be impressive._____(50)
Nineteenth century doctors would have called Dickens'condition melancholia since the psychological
condition of depression was unknown.Dickens'biographer Peter Ackroyd says the author's son Charles
remembers his father's"heavy moods of deep depression"and many times of"intense nervous irritability",
something modern psychologists would certainly recognize. _________(50)
A.The number included five people who had not found any relief using drug treatment.
B.Long and brisk walks are not necessarily beneficial to every person.
C.They studied 12 people with severe depression that had lasted an average of nine months.
D.The outcome indicated a clinical benefit which could not be obtained with pharmacological treatment currently available,they said.
E.This is also the advice that experts from the Free University in Berlin are giving today.
F.According to the regime,intense activity lasting three minutes was alternated with walking at half speed for three minutes.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Women's minds work differently from men's.At least,that is what most men are convinced of. Psychologists view the subject either as a matter of frustration or a joke.Now the biologists have moved into this minefield,and some of them have found that there are real differences between the brains of men and women.But being different,they point out hurriedly,is not the same as being better or worse.
There is,however,a definite structural variation between the male and female brain.The difference is in a part of the brain that is used in the most complex intellectual processes一the link between the two halves of the brain.
The two halves are linked by a trunk line of between 200 and 300 million nerves,the corpus callosum.Scientists have found quite recently that the corpus callosum in women is always larger and probably richer in nerve fibres than it is in men.This is the first time that a structural difference has been found between the brains of women and men and it must have some significance.The question is"What?",and,if this difference exists,are there others?Research shows that present-day women think differently and behave differently from men.Are some of these differences biological and inborn,a result of evolution?We tend to think that is the influence of society that produces these differences.But could we be wrong?
Research showed that these two halves of the brain had different functions,and that the corpus callosum enabled them to work together. For most people,the left half is used for word-handling, analytical and logical activities;the right half works on pictures,patterns and forms.We need both halves working together. And the better the connections,the more harmoniously the two halves work.And,according to research findings,women have the better connections.
But it isn't all that easy to explain the actual differences between skills of men and women on this basis.In schools throughout the world girls tend to be better than boys at"language subjects" and boys better at maths and physics.If these differences correspond with the differences in the hemispheric trunk line,there is an unalterable distinction between the sexes.
We shan't know for a while,partly because we don't know of any precise relationship between abilities in school subjects and the functioning of the two halves of the brain,and we cannot understand how the two halves interact via the corpus callosum.But this striking difference must have some effect and,because the difference is in the parts of the brain involved in intellect,we should be looking for differences in intellectual processing. The study of how two halves interact via the corpus callosum is being ca币ed out?
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 When Our Eyes Serve Our Stomach
Our senses aren't just delivering a strict view of what's going on in the world;they're af-fected by what's going on in our heads. A new study finds that hungry people see food-related words more clearly than people who'ye just eaten.
Psychologists have known for decades that what's going on,inside our head affects our senses. For example,poorer children think coins are larger than they are,and hungry people think pictures of food are brighter. Remi Radel of University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis,France,wanted to investi-gate how this happens. Does it happen right away as the brain receives signals from the eyes or a lit-tle later as the brain's high-level thinking processes get involved.
Radel recruited 42 students with a normal body mass index. On the day of his or her test,each student was told to arrive at the lab at noon after three or four hours of not eating. Then they were told there was a delay. Some were told to come back in 10 minutes;others were given an hour to get lunch first. So half the students were hungry when they did the ex-periment and the other half had just eaten.
For the experiment,the participant looked at a computer screen. One by one,80 words flashed on the screen for about 1/300th of a second each. They flashed at so small a size that
the students could only consciously perceive. A quarter of the words were food-related. After each word,each person was asked how bright the word was and asked to choose which of two words they'd seen一a food-related word like cake or a neutral word like boat. Each word ap-peared too briefly for the participant to really read it.
Hungry people saw the food-related words as brighter and were better at identifying food-related words. Because the word appeared too quickly for them to be reliably seen,this means that the difference is in perception,not in thinking processes,Radel says.
“This is something great to me. Humans can really perceive what they need or what they strive for. From the experiment,I know that our brain can really be at the disposal of our mo-tives and needs,”Radel says. Why did the 80 words flash so fast and at so small a size on the screen?
A.To ensure the participant was unable to perceive anything.
B.To guarantee each word came out at the same speed and size.
C.To shorten the time of the experiment.
D.To make sure the participant had no time to think consciously.


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