In general, our society is becoming one
of giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes
a small, well-oiled {{I}}cog{{/I}} (齿轮) in the machinery. The oiling is done with
higher wages, well-ventilated factories and {{I}}piped{{/I}} (播送的) music, and by
psychologists and "human-relations" experts; yet all this oiling does not alter
the fact that man has become powerless, that he does not wholeheartedly
participate in his work and that he is bored with it. In fact, the blue-and the
white-collar workers have become economic {{I}}puppets{{/I}} (木偶) who dance to the
tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management. The worker and employee are anxious, not only because they might find themselves out of a job, they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction or i A. resort to the production mode of our ancestors B. offer higher wages to the workers and employees C. enable man to fully develop his potentialities D. take the fundamental realities for granted [判断题]发生传染病疫情时,根据工作需要,公安机关可实行弹性工作制,科学合理安排勤务,确保公安民警保持良好的身心状态。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]操作机械传动的断路器(开关)或隔离开关(刀闸)时,应戴线手套。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]增加剩余价值生产有哪些方法?
[多选题]CRH380B动车组制动系统的电气安全回路包括( )。
A. 紧急制动回路 B. 旅客紧急制动回路 C.停放制动监控回路 D.制动缓解监控回路 [单项选择]我国的教育行政体制改革要求()
A. 分级办学 B. 简政放权 C. 分级管理 D. 地方负责 [单选题]持卡人在申领卡片时同意执行的各项收费及标准如果发生变化,( )有权在公告期间选择是否继续使用该卡及相关服务。
A.代理人 B.持有效身份证件的代理人 C.持卡人 D.银行经办人 [多选题]建筑结构倒塌破坏的征兆。
A. 玻璃破碎 B. 墙体晃动 C. 结构变形 D. 异常声响 [单项选择]()是位于直接顶之上的有一定厚度的坚硬岩层。
A. 假顶 B. 老顶 C. 直接顶 [多选题]下列腧穴中,属于手太阳小肠经的有( )。
A.少冲 B.少泽 C.颧髎 D.颊车 [单选题]2654.以下关于固有免疫的说法,错误的是
A.A.发生迅速 B.B.无免疫记忆 C.C.对病原体无严格选择性 D.D.又称非特异性免疫 E.E.不诱导炎症 [简答题]在同一电气连接部分,高压试验工作票发出后,();
[单选题]负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门应当对生产经营单位为从业人员( )的情况进行监督、检查。
A.提供劳动报酬及福利 B.提供劳动工具及用品 C.提供劳动防护用品 我来回答: 提交