What is time Is it a thing to be saved
or spent or wasted, like money Or is it something we have no control over, like
the weather Is time the same all over the world That’s an easy question, you
say. Wherever you go, a minute is 60 seconds, an hour is 60 minutes, a day is 24
hours, and so forth. Well, maybe. But in America, time is more than that.
Americans see time as a very valuable resource. Maybe that’s why they are fond
of the expression, "Time is money." Because Americans believe time is a limited resource, they try to conserve and manage it. People in the U.S. often attend seminars or read books on time management. It seems they all want to organize their time better. Professionals carry around pocket planners-some in electronic form-to keep track of appointments and deadlines. People do all they can to squeeze more life A. they often attend seminars or read books on time management B. they all want to organize their time better C. they keep track of appointments and deadlines D. people do all they can to squeeze more life out of their time [单选题](47967)无缝线路钢轨( )与钢轨长度、截面面积无关。(1.0分)
A.温度应力 B.温度力 C.道床阻力 D.扣件阻力 [单选题]不可用于低分子肝素治疗监测的是( )
A.因子Ⅹa活化ACT B.aPTT C.WBPTT D.LWCT E.ACT [简答题]空芯线圈的作用是什么?
[多选题]按照在购买决策过程中的作用不同,消费者的角色可分为( )。
A.倡议者 B.需求者 C.供给者 D.购买者 E.使用者 [单项选择]马先生从4S店购买一辆新轿车作为自用,该汽车价格50万元,则可获得贷款的最高额度为( )。
A. 30万元 B. 50万元 C. 40万元 D. 60万元 [单项选择]起重高度在15m以内,起重量在20t以下,选用的吊装设备是()桅杆。
A. 钢管独角 B. 钢管人字 C. 木独角 D. 格构式独角 [单选题]自动闭塞、自动站间闭塞、半自动闭塞区间未开放出站(进路)信号机,列车起动停车未越过信号机或警冲标时,视同一般( )类事故情形。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]
北极熊变瘦了!科学家说,由亍污染增多,污染物进入北极熊体内使其体型缩小;全球气候变暖,海洋冰面减少.北极熊要花费更多的能量猎食.这样就限制了它的生长。下列选项中与“北极熊减肥“现象所蕴含哲理相一致的是() A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ②④ D. ①④ [单选题]直流电机里边固定有环状永磁体,电流通过转子上的线圈产生安培力,当转子上的线圈与磁场平行时,再继续转受到的磁场方向将改变,因此此时转子末端的电刷跟转换片交替接触,从而线圈上的电流方向也改变,产生的( )方向不变,所以电机能保持一个方向转动。
A.洛伦兹力 B.安培力 C.电磁力 D.电动力 [单选题]3.4. 第4题 如图水泥杆杆头最适用的转角范围是。( )
A.0°~15° B.0°~90° C.0°~45° D.0°~60° [填空题]丙烯球罐切水阀门是两台串联,切水结束时应( )。
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