Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. |
What, can rigid, cold calculating
mathematics possibly have in common with subtle, creative, lofty, imaginative
art This question faithfully mirrors the state of mind of most people, even of
most educated people, when they regard the numbers and symbols that populate the
world of mathematics. But the great leaders of mathematics thought have
frequently and repeatedly asserted that the object of their pursuit is just as
much an art as it is a science, and perhaps even a fine art. Maxime Bocher, an
eminent mathematician living at the beginning of this century, wrote: "I like to
look at mathematics almost more as an art than as a science; for the activity of
the mathematician, constantly creating as he is, guided although not controlled
by the external world of the senses, bears a resemblance, not fanciful, I
believe, but real, to the activities of the arti A. (A) unusual diction B. (B) imaginative expression C. (C) symbolism, condensation and economy of words D. (D) condensation and imaginative diction [单项选择]男性,20岁,踢足球时右膝摔伤,8周后仍疼痛。查体:右膝肿胀,浮髌试验阳性,前抽屉试验阳性,侧方应力试验阴性。最可能的诊断是什么()
A. 前交叉韧带损伤 B. 后交叉韧带损伤 C. 外侧副韧带损伤 D. 内侧副韧带损伤 E. 外侧半月板损伤 [单选题]操作人员要会操作使用、会检查、会维护保养、会排除一般故障;修理人员还要( )。
A.会检测、会调试 B.会调试、会维修 C.会检测、会维修 D.会检测、会调试、会维修 [单项选择]当使用ASA100胶卷拍摄时,EV=11时,若光圈值取F5.6,快门速度该定为( )s。
A. 1/30 B. 1/125 C. 1/60 D. 1/15 [单选题]机组氧气面罩上的供氧模式有
1)100% 2)稀释 3)连续 4)按需
A.12 B.123 C.234 D.1234 [多选题]车站值班员在接到运营调度员发布的手摇道岔命令时应明确( )。
A.车站执行运营任务的列车车次号 B.车站执行运营任务的列车位置 C.车站执行运营任务的列车位置 D. 本站道岔状态 [单选题]接头夹板以外焊补工艺缺陷造成的钢轨轨头横向裂纹的重伤伤损代码为( )。
A.18224 B.32403 C.18234 D.30330 [单项选择]被动扩散是许多药物通过生物膜的迁移,属于从高浓度部位到低浓度部位的扩散过程,下列叙述中哪些不是其特点
A. 越过隔膜的转运速率是由膜两边的浓度梯度,扩散的分子大小,电荷性质及亲脂性质所决定 B. 不需载体 C. 不耗能 D. 药物多以不解离型通过生物膜 E. 需要载体 [多项选择]美国人A在纽约开立了一张以中国人 B为受益人,中国N银行为付款人的国际汇票。后B在上海将该汇票背书给了新加坡的C,后 C在向N银行提示票据要求付款时,丢失了票据,并向我国法院提出了保全票据权利的程序。根据我国的相关法律,下列表述正确的有:
A. 对A开立汇票的行为能力,应当适用A的本国法,即美国法 B. 对B对该汇票进行背书的效力,应当适用出票地法律,即美国法 C. 对C提示票据的期限,应当适用付款人所在地,即中国法 D. 对C的保全票据权利的程序,应当适用法院地法,即中国法 [单项选择]下列宜远方及就地操作的是( )。
A. 220~500kV倒闸操作用隔离开关; B. 220~500kV检修用隔离开关; C. 220~500kV接地隔离开关; D. 220~500kV母线接地隔离开关。 我来回答: 提交