Technology Transfer in
Germany{{/B}} When it comes to translating basic research into industrial success, few nations can match Germany. Since the 1940s, the nation’s vast industrial base has been fed with a constant stream of new ideas and expertise from science. And though German prosperity (繁荣) has faltered (衰退) over the past decade because of the huge cost of unifying east and west as well as the global economic decline, it still has an enviable record for turning ideas into profit. Much of the reason for that success is the Fraunhofer Society, a network of research institutes that exists solely to solve industrial problems and create soght-after technologies. But today the Fraunhofer institutes have competition. Universities are taking an ever larger role in technol A. "experts". B. "scientists". C. "scholars". D. "special knowledge". [判断题]幻灯片中对象的效果可以自定义。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Rebecca Stevens was the first British woman to climb Mount Everest(珠穆朗玛峰). Before she went up the highest mountain in the world, she was a journalist(记者) and lived in a small flat(公寓) in South London.
In 1993, Rebecca left her job and her family and traveled to Asia with some other climbers. She found that life on Everest is hard. "You mustn’ t carry everything on your back," she said, "so you can only take things that you will need. You can’ t wash on the mountain, and in the end I didn’ t even take a toothbrush. There is no water but snow," When Rebecca reached the top of Mount Everest on May 17, 1993, it was the best moment of her life. Suddenly she became famous. Now she has written a book about the trip and people often ask her to talk about it. She has a new job too, on a science program on television. Rebecca is well-known today and she has more money than before, but she still lives in the little flat in South London among her pictures and books abou A. climber B. journalist(记者) C. scientist [单选题]经过认证,最大起飞推力所有发动机都工作时,最多可使用( )分钟。
A.3 B.5 C.15 D.20 [单选题]登乘机车检查信号显示距离和机车信号显示状态,信号工长()不少于一次。
A.每季度 B.每天 C.每周 D.每月 [单选题]ZPW-2000A无绝缘移频自动闭塞空心线圈电感值L=()±1μH。
A.A、25μH B.B、25.5μH C.C、33μH D.D、33.5μH [判断题]把作业场所和工作岗位存在的危险因素如实告知从业人员,会有负面影响,引起恐慌,增加思想负担,不利于安全生产。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 当需要将病毒库、系统补丁程序等导入到涉密计算机信息系统时,可以采取下列哪些方式?( )
A. 通过中间机刻录只读光盘 B. 通过中间机拷贝普通优盘 C. 通过中间机使用带有读写锁定开关的专用优盘,并确保在涉密信息系统内使用时优盘只读状态 D. 使用MP3播放器作为存储介质进行导入 [简答题]45岁男性患者,摔伤后左肘部疼痛、肿胀、畸形2小时。跌倒后左手掌着地。查体;肘后肿胀,肘后三角关系存在,上臂明显缩短畸形。因病人不合作,未能进行神经及血管功能检查。试提出患者诊断及鉴别诊断?为排除合并损伤需要着重进行哪些物理检查?
[单项选择]I didn't ______the meeting because I was ill.
A. join B. enter C. attend D. appear [判断题]承担安全评价、认证、检测、检验工作的机构,出具虚假证明的,给他人造成损害的,在 缴纳罚款后,不需再与生产经营单位承担连带赔偿责任。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《学记》提出课内与课外要相结合,且课外要有丰富多彩的生活,这反映了以下哪个原则的要求?()
A.教学相长原则 B.预时孙摩原则 C.长善救失原则 D.藏息相辅原则 [填空题]以下程序运行后的输出结果是______。
main( ) int x=10,y=20,t=0; if(x= =y)t=x;x=y;y=t printf("%d,%d/n",x,y); [判断题]为了提高戒毒效率,政府可以提倡利用电视.广播.报纸.杂志等大众传播媒介进行戒毒药品的广告宣传( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]半剖视图是剖去物体的一半所得的视图。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于羁押罪犯确有严重疾病,必须保外就医的,应当由()指定的医院开具证明文件,依法审批。
A. 公安机关 B. 人民检察院 C. 中级人民法院 D. 省级人民政府 [判断题]电力通信工作票有污损不能继续使用时,应办理新的电力通信工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]国际体联的正式比赛是()
A. 世界竞技健美操锦标赛 B. 健美操世界杯赛 C. 世界健美操运动会 D. 健美操世界巡回赛 [单选题]敷设在竖井内的电缆,每( )个月至少巡查一次。
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.六 [单选题]幻灯片的填充背景不可以是 ( )
A.调色板列表中选择的颜色 B.自己通过三原色或亮度、色调等调制颜色 C.三种以上颜色的过渡效果 D.磁盘上的图片 [判断题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定:乘务人员须身体健康,五官端正,持健康证明。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在内踝8寸以上足三阴经排列顺序是()
A. 足太阴在前,厥阴在中,少阴在后 B. 足厥阴在前,太阴在中,少阴在后 C. 足厥阴在前,少阴在中,太阴在后 D. 足太阴在前,少阴在中,厥阴在后 E. 少阴在前,太阴在中,厥阴在后 [单选题]辣根的可食部分是其( )。
A. 地上茎 B. 地下茎 C. 肉质根 D. 变态根茎 [单选题]施工升降机必须安装防坠安全器。防坠安全器应在()年有效标定期内使用。
A.半 B.一 C.二 D.三 [单项选择]锅炉炉水化验含盐量偏高通常应进行()处理。
A. 下排污 B. 上排污 C. 投炉水处理药 D. 停炉换水 [简答题]简述工作说明书的概念。
A. 拙政园 B. 留园 C. 瘦西湖 D. 寄畅园 E. 余荫山房 [单选题]一级母钟与二级母钟、二级母钟与子钟的通讯方式均采用( )
A.RS232通讯 B.RS422通讯 C.并行口通讯 D.RS485通讯 [单选题]下列属于国家行政机关的是( )。
A.县人大常委会 B.县人民法院 C.县人民检察院 D.县司法局 [多选题]可以延长反垄断审查期限的情形有( )。
A.A B.B C.C D.D E.E F.F [单选题]排液泵式加臭装置均无法配置备用计量泵。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交