Leo Tolstoy was a Russian writer and
moral philosopher, and one of the world’s greatest novelists. He was born on
April 30,1828 and died on Feb. 14, 1910. His writings (1)
influenced much of 20th-century literature, and his moral
(2) helped shape the thinking of several important
(3) and political leaders. Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born (4) a family of noble landowners at his family (5) south of Moscow. His early education came from tutors at home, but after the deaths of his parents in the 1830s, he was (6) by relatives. He entered Kazan’ University when he was 16 but preferred to educate himself independently, and in 1847 he (7) his studies without finishing his degree. His next 15 years were very (8) . Tolstoy returned to manage the family estate, with the determination to i A. unidentified B. unfit C. unhealthy D. unsettled [单选题](48256)任何单位和个人都有( )防洪工程设施和依法参加防汛抗洪的义务。
A.维修 B.保护 C.看管 D.巡视 [单项选择]
男性,55岁,有饮酒史20年,每日半斤白酒。2年来间断上腹隐痛,腹胀乏力,大便不成形,双下肢水肿,B超:肝脏回声不均匀增强,脾大,少量腹水。 此患者可能诊断是()A. 慢性胰腺炎 B. 胰腺癌 C. 酒精性肝硬化 D. 慢性胆囊炎 E. 胃癌 [单选题]信号微机监测系统站场平面制作程序生成的文件扩展名是( )。
A.INI B.TXT C.CAD D.TJW [判断题]建筑施工企业安全生产许可证被暂扣期间,仍可在证书颁发管理机关所在省份之外的 地区承揽新的工程项目。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]维规->维规-会议通信
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下有关非居民客户信用卡还款业务的说法正确的是:( )
A.网点平台信用卡转账还款交易支持非居民客户使用人民币购汇还款 B.网点平台信用卡转账还款交易支持非居民客户外币转账还款 C.非居民客户办理人民币购汇还款必须先使用个人结售汇交易办理购汇 D.非居民客户为偿还信用卡账单而办理购汇的,其交易无需录入个人外汇业务监测系统 [简答题][2022-03-06 17:58:53.464
[单选题] 关于检查,下列说法正确的有( )。
A.公安机关有权检查与违反治安管理行为有关的人身和物品,对公民的住所无权检查 B.实施检查的人民警察不得少于2人,但紧急情况也可以由1名人民为警察实施检查 C.检查的情况应当制作检查笔录 D.被检查人拒绝在检查笔录上签名的,人民警察可以代其签名 我来回答: 提交