Television has transformed politics in
the United States by changing the way in which information is transmitted, by
altering political campaigns, and by changing citizens patterns of response to
politics. By giving citizens independent access to the candidates, television
diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the major party
candidates. By centering politics on the person of the candidate, television
accelerated the citizen’s focus on character than issues. Television has altered the forms of political communication as well. The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were. The stump speech, a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting 1.5 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth century political discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement A. had more influence over the selection of political candidates B. spent more money to promote their political candidates C. attracted more members D. received more money [多项选择]人工补偿是利用管道补偿器来吸收热变形的补偿方式,常用的有()。
A. 方形补偿器 B. L形补偿器 C. 填料式补偿器 D. 波形补偿器 [单选题]要将语言栏显示在桌面上,第一步操作应该是______。
A.控制面板中选“时钟﹑语言和区域”下的“更改键盘和其他输入法“选项 B.控制面板中选“程序” C.右击桌面空白处,选择“查看” D.右击任务栏空白处,选择“属性” [单选题]胎儿从母体获得IgG属于( )。
A.过继免疫 B.人工被动免疫 C.人工自动免疫 D.自然自动免疫 E.自然被动免疫 [多选题]可以作为施工合同索赔证据的工程资料有()。
A.业主的口头指示 B.施工标准和技术规范 C.工程会议纪要 D.官方发布的物价指数 E.施工技术交底书 [填空题]《国铁集团客运部关于加强电子客票应急处置工作的通知》(客营电〔2020〕1号)规定,办理退票业务异常的,如旅客能够提供报销凭证,且票款为电子支付的,车站为其开具“<--NRC-->”并将报销凭证收回,待系统恢复后为旅客办理退票手续,按原支付渠道返还票款。
[填空题]El (1) de buenas tardes o buenas noches (2) entre los países hispanos. En países como Ecuador,(3) y (4) hay ( 5 ) horas de día y (6)de noche, porque estos países están cerca de la línea del ecuador. Por eso, la tarde empieza más o menos después de las 12:00 y termina más o menos a las 6:00 cuando ya no hay sol; después de esa hora, se dice (7). En cambio, en (8), por ejemplo, la tarde empieza como a las 3:00 después de comer y termina a las 10:00 cuando muchos espa oles(9). Por lo tanto, los espa oles generalmente empiezan a decir “buenas noches” a partir de las (10).
A.可塑变形性 B.悬浮稳定性 C.渗透脆性 D.运输CO2和O2 E.清除异物 [多选题]党的十九届四中全会提出,健全 _、 的群团工作体系,推动人民团体增强政治性、先进性、群众性,把各自联系的群众紧紧团结在党的周围。( )
A.为了群众 B.引领群众 C.联系广泛 D.服务群众 我来回答: 提交