Racket, din clamor, noise. Whatever you
want to call it, unwanted sound is America’s most widespread nuisance. But noise
is more than just a nuisance. It constitutes a real and present danger to
people’s health. Day and night, at home, at work, and at play, noise can produce
serious physical and psychological stress. No one is immune to this stress.
Though we seem to adjust to noise by ignoring it, the ear, in fact, never closes
and the body still responds—sometimes with extreme tension, as to a strange
sound in the night. The annoyance we feel when faced with noise is the most common outward symptom of the stress building up inside us. Indeed, because irritability is so apparent, legislators have made public annoyance the basis of many noise abatement(消除) programs. The more subtle and more serious health hazards ass A. is against the law B. can make some people irritable C. is a nuisance D. is a danger to people’s health [简答题]将考生文件夹下TEED文件夹中的文件WIFH.IDX更名为DOIT.FPT。
A.冠心病 B.原发性梗阻性肥厚型心肌病 C.扩张型心肌病 D.风湿性心脏瓣膜病 E.高血压心脏病 [判断题]限时电流速断保护可以保护线路全长。() ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]什么是循环停滞?
[多选题]增值服务包括( )
A.网上配货 B.拜访服务 C.客户指导 D.终端信息化 [多选题]( )等特种作业人员,必须按照国家有关规定经过专门的安全作业培训,并取得特种作业操作资格证书后,方可上岗作业。
A.垂直运输机械作业人员 B.砌筑工 C.爆破作业人员 D.起重信号工 E.登高架设作业人员 [填空题]先天性直肠肛管畸形导致新生儿死亡的主要并发症是()。
[单选题]中央纪委派驻机构是由中央纪委派出、驻在中央一级党和国家机关、履行党的纪律检查职能的常设机构。下列关于中央纪委派驻机构的说法,错误的是:( )
A.派驻监督是中央纪委纪检职能的重要组成部分 B.派驻机构的主业是与其他机构进行联合执法 C.派驻机构的首要职责是监督执纪问责 D.派驻机构发现问题匿情不报、不处理就是渎职 [判断题] 伞钻在井筒中运输时必须收拢绑扎,通过各施工盘口时必
须加速并由专人监视。 A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]某小区内现有建筑均为多层,各采暖系统静水压力均≯0.3MPa,现拟建一栋高层建筑,其采暖系统最高点静水压力为0.6MPa,试问该系统与外网连接方式最好采用下列哪几项?()
A. 设换热器与外网间接连接 B. 建筑内分高、低区采暖系统,低区与外网连接,高区设换热器与外网连接 C. 建筑内分高、低区采暖系统,低区与外网连接,高区采用双水箱分层式系统与外网连接 D. 设混水泵与外网直接连接 我来回答: 提交