One of the qualities that most people
admire in others is the willingness to admit one’s mistakes. It is extremely
hard sometimes to say a simple thing like "I was wrong about that," and it is
even harder to say, "I was wrong, and you were right about that." I had an experience recently with someone admitting to me that he had made a mistake fifteen years ago. He told me he had been the manager of a certain store in the neighborhood where I grew up; and he asked me if I remembered the egg cartons (in many countries, eggs are sold by the dozen and are put in cartons). Then he related an incident(event, matter)and I began to remember unclearly the incident he was describing. I was about eight years old at the time. I went into the store with my mother to do some shopping. On that particular day, I must have found my way to the food depa A. have never made any mistakes B. often make mistakes but correct them in no time C. admit their mistakes D. forget other people’s mistakes easily [判断题]1号线所有区间隧道都设有废水泵房。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]离心泵的扬程越大,则流量越高。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]司机改变驾驶模式时必须得到行调的授权,并严格按规定程序及限速要求运行。但下列情况改变驾驶模式时无需得到行调的授权:( )
A.采用电话闭塞法行车凭路票运行时 B.救援列车连挂作业及推进运行时 C.列车ATO模式在站正常停车时 D.列车紧急制动停车后,自行缓解后ATP模式动车 [填空题] Exercise is good for you, but most people really know very 【B1】 about how to exercise properly. So when you try, you can run into trouble. Many people 【B2】 that when specific muscles are exercised, the fat in the neighboring area is" 【B3】 up". Yet the truth is that exercise burns fat 【B4】 all over 【B5】 . Studies show muscles which are not 【B6】 lose their strength very quickly. To regain it needs 48 to 72 hours and exercise every other day will 【B7】 a normal level of physical strength. To 【B8】 weight you should always "work up a good sweat" when exercising. 【B9】 sweating only 【B10】 body temperature to prevent over heating. This is 【B11】 water loss. 【B12】 You replace the liquid, you 【B13】 the weight. Walking is the best and easy-to-do exercise. It helps the circulation of blood 【B14】 the body, and has a direct 【B15】 on your overall feeling of health. Experience 【B16】 that 20 minutes’’ exercise 【B17】 is minimum amount. 【B18】 your breathing doesn’’t r
A. A.arm B.leg C.stomach D.body [多选题]电控阀由“ ”组成。
A.控制机构 B.辅助机构 C.电磁机构 D.气阀 [单项选择]用白盒法设计测试用例的方法包括( )。
A. 错误推测 B. 因果图 C. 基本路径测试 D. 边界值分析 [多选题] 337
VRP 系统中, Ctrl+Z 组合键具备什么功能? A. 从任何视图退出用户视图 B. 退出接口视图 C. 退出当前视图 D. 退出 Console 接口视图 E. 从系统视图退回到用户视图 [单项选择]关于小儿中毒的说法不正确的是()
A. 有多种中毒途径 B. 中毒是儿科急诊的常见之一 C. 中毒常为急性 D. 是一病理过程 E. 慢性中毒不须处理 [简答题]此案派出所是赔偿义务机关吗
[单项选择]用一次指数平滑法进行预测时,各实际销售量所加的权数数值是( )的。
A. 按指数规律递减 B. 有规律地上升 C. 相同 D. 无规律地波动 [简答题]有基层指战员认为,“灾害事故现场态势瞬息万变,消防处置难以做到天衣无缝,一些人员伤亡在所难免”,这种观点是正确的。(X )
[多选题] 火场供水方法()。
A. 直接供水 B. 串联供水 C. 运水供水 D. 排吸器引水与移动泵供水 [单选题]在铁路信号、通信光(电)缆埋设、铺设地点,设()。
A.电缆标 B.公里标 C.作业标 D.减速地点标 [单选题]( )应当设置安全生产管理机构或者配备专职安全生产管理人员。
A.矿山、建筑施工单位和危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位 B.矿山、金属冶炼、建筑施工、道路运输单位和危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位 C.矿山、建筑施工、道路运输单位和危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位 D.矿山、金属冶炼、建筑施工单位和危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位 [简答题]压力机的基本安全要求是什么?
[多选题]纤维绳有霉烂、腐蚀、损伤者不准用于起重作业,纤维绳出现( )者禁止使用。
A.松股 B.散股 C.严重磨损 D.断股 [判断题] 变电站的主要调压手段是调节有载调压变压器分接头位置和控制无功功率补偿电容器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高层建筑由于人员高度集中、(),加上火势发展快,烟雾扩散迅速,人员疏散非常困难。
A.耐火等级低 B.装饰材料多 C.人员复杂 D.疏散距离长 [多选题]屋面隔离层铺设不得有( )现象。(GB50345—2012《屋面工程技术规范》5.7.10)
A.漏铺 B.破损 C.重复 D.压接 [单选题]所有硕士研究生都具有较强的研究能力,有的来福州的硕士毕业生当上了大学老师;有的来福州的博士毕业生也成为大学老师;因为某种原因,所有来福州的博士毕业生的妻子户口都没有迁入福州。根据这段文字,不能判断正误的是( )。
A.所有硕士研究生都能够进大学当老师 B.有些大学老师具有较强的研究能力 C.有些大学老师的妻子户口没有迁入福州 D.有些硕士毕业生的妻子的户口也没有迁入福州 [判断题]CRH5型动车组轮对镟修后的轮缘厚度:22mm≤sd≤32.5mm。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交