Paula Jones’ case against Bill Clinton is now, for, all possible political consequences and capacity for media sensation, a fairy routine lawsuit of its kind. It does, however, have enormous social significance. For those of us who care about sexual harassment, the matter of Jones v. Clinton is a great conundrum. Consider: if Jones, the former Arkansas state employee, proves her claims, then we must face the fact that we helped to elect someone—Bill Clinton—who has betrayed us on this vital issue. But if she is proved to be lying, then we must accept that we pushed onto the public agenda an issue that is venerable to manipulation by alleged victims. The skeptics will use Jones’ case to cast doubt on the whole cause.
Still, Ms Jones deserves the chance to prove her case; she has a right to pursue this claim and have the process work. It will be difficult: these kinds of cases usually are, and Ms. Jones’ task of suing a sitting president is har
A. the outcome is not known.
B. most of the public is not content.
C. many have been slow to jump into the Jones - Clinton fray.
D. as many as 40% of women in the work force will encounter it.
By traveling you can get{{U}} (41)
{{/U}}the middle of life. It is not like reading a book or watching a film,
it is{{U}} (42) {{/U}}. You can learn{{U}} (43) {{/U}}books and
films, you can have an idea about different countries and people from them, but
when you travel, you get into the middle of things, you don’t only see them, but
you can also touch them. The close contact (接触) with people and with the countryside is the{{U}} (44) {{/U}}thing in traveling. Meeting different kinds of people and visiting places that are unknown{{U}} (45) {{/U}}you are also very{{U}} (46) {{/U}}. You learn a lot from everybody that you meet and everything that you see. You learn about all kinds of things. And you also learn a lot about yourself: you can see what you do, how you behave (表现) in{{U [单项选择]尿1l项多联试带是在10项基础上增加了
A. 尿蛋白测定 B. 尿葡萄糖测定 C. 尿维生素C测定 D. 尿比密测定 E. 尿酮体测定 [判断题]所谓党要管党,并不是党只管党,而是党要把自身建设好,为的是党能够担负起领导全国各族人民建设有中国特色社会主义的历史重任。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]货车停留时间如何计算?
A.2 B.1.5 C.1 D.2.5 [简答题]脱水挤压机入口胶中含水量大是何原因?如何处理?
[多选题]钢管跨越架所使用的钢管,如有( )等情况的不得使用。
A.弯曲严重 B.磕瘪变形 C.表面有严重腐蚀 D.裂纹 E.脱焊 [单项选择]
患者女性,34岁。因黑便1周,伴四肢皮肤瘀斑入院,5年前始出现全身皮肤瘀斑瘀点,每次持续数日至十数日,经药物治疗(名不详)自行消退,时而鼻出血。近半年来经常出现皮肤瘀斑、瘀点,长时间服"强的松"等药物,一旦停药则症状复发。此次前曾发生3次黑便,每次持续5天至半月不等。查体:体温:37℃,脉搏:80次/分,血压:90/70mmHg。四肢皮肤有散在紫色的瘀斑瘀点,由针尖至0.3×0.3cm2大小,脾平卧肋下4cm可扪及,质中。 提示:血常规,白细胞:3.2×109/L,中性:0.76,淋巴:0.22,红细胞:2.8×1012/L,血小板:30×109/L,血红蛋白:110g/L,骨髓穿刺检查示骨髓巨核细胞增多,幼稚型比例增多,上消化道钡餐无异常。初步诊断应考虑哪种疾病() A. 充血性脾肿大伴脾功能亢进 B. 门静脉性肝硬化 C. 原发性血小板减少性紫癜 D. 自体免疫性溶血性贫血 E. 脾肿瘤 F. 败血症 [单选题]110kV电压等级设备不停电的安全距离为( )米。
A.A.0.5 B.B.1.5 C.C.3 D.D.0.7 [多选题]十八届四中全会提出,各级政府必须坚持在党的领导下、在法治轨道上开展工作,加快建设( )的法治政府。
A.职能科学 B.权责法定 C.执法严明 D.公开公正 [单项选择]下列腹部穴位中,不与脐在一水平线上的是()
A. 天枢 B. 带脉 C. 大横 D. 肓俞 E. 章门 [单项选择]在感潮河段界限以外水域,两机动船对驶相遇时,除另有规定外,不论是涨潮还是落潮,则:()。
A. 逆流船避让顺流船 B. 上行船避让下行船 C. 互以左舷会船 D. 互为让路船 我来回答: 提交