It’s well known that people in the west
are very loud of pets. Almost every family has a pet. Just about every pet owner
has a story about his pets and is eager to share it with anyone who will listen.
So it is not a very difficult task for all kinds of newspapers to offer readers
many stories about animals. Here is one: One morning last summer Mrs. Andrews mode some sausage - sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. There was one sausage left over. Mrs. Andrews didn’t care for sausages herself, and so she gave the last one to Henry, their little dog that was deeply loved by both off them and has lived with them for many years. Henry ate it up quickly. During the morning the dog got ill. He would not stop shaking his head, refuse to eat anything and what’s more, he couldn’t stand up properly. Mrs. Andrews thought, "He’s eaten something that A. because he didn’t go to the doctor. B. because he had had some medicine which made him sick. C. because he was really ill after eating two sausages. D. because the dog was to die. [单选题]在假设检验中,H0为原假设,下列选项中犯第一类错误(弃真)的是().
A.H0为假,接受H0 B.H0为真,拒绝H0 C.H0为假,拒绝H0 D.H0为真,接受H0 [单项选择]肺通气的弹性阻力是指()
A. 惯性阻力 B. 气道阻力 C. 组织的黏滞阻力 D. 肺的回缩力 E. 肺和胸廓的弹性阻力 [单项选择]发颐热毒蕴结应选何方()
A. 黄连、黄芩、黄柏、栀子 B. 金银花、野菊花、蒲公英、紫花地丁 C. 犀角、生地、丹皮、芍药 D. 犀角、连翘、丹皮、栀子、黄连 E. 金银花、连翘、野菊花、蒲公英、紫花地丁 [单选题]母线槽安装前进行绝缘测试,每节母线槽的绝缘电阻不应小于( )。
A.0.5MΩ B.2MΩ C.10MΩ D.20MΩ [单选题]下列行政案件中,不构成强迫交易的违反治安管理行为的是()。
A.甲威胁刘某,低价买入刘某出售的西瓜 B.乙反复纠缠华某,迫使华某高价买下乙出售的山寨手机 C.丙强拉硬拽,把陈某拉进店里进行饮食消费 D.丁在路上拦截谢某,持刀威胁谢某用1000元购买其随身携带的钥匙扣 [单选题]调车作业中,夜间指挥机车向显示人反方向稍行移动的信号显示方式为()。
A.绿色灯光在下部左右摇动 B.绿色灯光下压数次后,再左右小动 C.绿色灯光上下摇动 D.绿色灯光上下小动 [单选题]按照网络分布和覆盖的地理范围,可将计算机网络分为( )。
A.局域网和互联网 B.广域网和局域网 C.广域网和互联网 D.Internet网和城域网 我来回答: 提交