Currently, the American armed forces
are the largest professional military on the planet. Other (1)
have professional soldiers, (2) not as many as
the United States. For thousands of years, it was (3) that
professional soldiers were superior to (4) timers. But
(5) most of history, few nations could (6) an
army of professionals, at least not on a permanent basis. It washt (7)
the late 20th century that countries began to (8)
large, permanent, all-volunteer armed forces that were carefully
(9) and trained for combat. Britain was the first, when it
phased out conscription in 1962. In 1975, the United States followed
(10) . For over a century, c A. strenuous B. invalid C. prudent D. unpopular [单项选择]艾滋病的主要传播途径是()
A. 血液 B. 尿液 C. 粪便 D. 性接触 E. 鼻咽分泌物 [单选题]当光线经过小孔时,若光波长与小孔尺寸接近,则发生( )。
A.干涉 B.衍射 C.折射 D.反射 E.散射 [填空题]机械冷藏车破损任何一项需要()时,即达到铁路货车中破条件。
A. 不作特殊处理 B. 局部理疗 C. 口服解痉类药物 D. 中草药外敷 E. 注射维生素B1、B2 [判断题]2.149.第149题谐波潮流方向与基波同向,关联电能为基波电能减谐波电能;谐波潮流方向与基波反向,关联电能为基波电能加谐波电能
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]最早出现的二期梅毒疹是()
A. 丘疹性梅毒疹 B. 掌跖梅毒疹 C. 扁平湿疣 D. 脓疱性梅毒疹 E. 斑疹性梅毒疹 [判断题] ( )毛发是皮肤的附属物。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]回车键
A. Telnet和FTP B. Modem和ISDN C. IE和Netscape D. Outlook Express和Foxmail E. Internet和Intranet [单选题]第一产程潜伏期是指从
A.不规律宫缩到宫口开大3cm B. 规律宫缩到宫口开大3cm C.不规律宫缩到宫口开大2c D.规律宫缩到宫口开大2cm E.规律宫缩到宫口开大5cm [判断题]个人计算机插入网卡后,连接电话线后就可以联网了。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]死亡1人,或重伤10人以下,或直接经济损失100万元以下的,为()
A.A、一般事故 B.B、较大事故 C.C、重大事故 D.D、特大事故 [判断题]普速大型车站客运人员每人配置具备录音功能的手持电台和音视频记录仪,其他岗位也必须配备,作用良好。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]转向架的一系悬挂系统由螺旋钢弹簧、一系垂向减振器和定位装置组成。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]The annual Hong Kong Book Fair, one of Asia’s most influential cultural events, kicked off Wednesday at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.
More than 500 exhibitors from 20 countries and regions are participating in the seven day exhibition, which was initiated in 1990. The number of visitors is expected to top 850,000 this time. More than 100 publishers from the Chinese mainland are attracted to the event,bringing with them around 13,000 types of books. Around 900 square meters of exhibition area has been reserved for their counterparts from Taiwan, a record high in the event’s history. The Hong Kong Trade and Development Council, which organizes the event, has set up an International Cultural Village, providing a forum for international publishers from 11 countries. On top of this, around 200 cultural activities, such as publication-related seminars,literature workshops and autograph sessions for new hooks, will be held in the coming days. [单选题]多极神经元的突起数是
A. 一个轴突,一个树突 B. 一个轴突,多个树突 C. 多个轴突,一个树突 D. 多个轴突,多个树突 [判断题]主副卡套餐享受“主副卡互拨**分钟的优惠”,是指,此主副卡套餐中的主卡与副卡,副卡与副卡之间互拨均可享受此分钟的优惠。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]高瓦斯矿井未建立瓦斯抽采系统和监控系统,或者不能正常运行的,属于煤矿重大事故隐患。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]1928年在莫斯科召开了中共第六次全国代表大会,以下属于本次大会缺点的是()。( )
A.把民族资产阶级当成中国革命的“最危险的敌人之一” B.不顾当时敌强我弱的形势,把党的工作重心放在城市 C.对中国革命的长期性和复杂性认识不足 D.认为中国是半殖民地半封建社会 [多项选择]锅炉受热面蒸发率或发热率是反映锅炉工作强度的指标,其数值越大,表示( )。
A. 传热效果越好 B. 传热效果越差 C. 锅炉所耗金属量越少 D. 锅炉所耗金属量越多 [判断题]判断题:液压传动不适合远距离传动。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]电容器在充电过程中,其(____)。
A. 充电电流能发生突变 B. 两端电压不能发生突变 C. 储存能量不能发生突变 D. 储存电场能发生突变 [判断题]灭火的基本方法有隔离法、冷却法两种
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于小型水电站的浅水倾斜拦污栅,一般是采用()。
A. 人工清污 B. 机械清污 C. 人工清污和机械清污相结合 D. 电动清淤 [判断题]华电集团公司系统安全管理应遵循“安全第一、预防为主”方针。
A. 上下方位 B. 前后方位 C. “自我”为中心 D. 上下、前后 [简答题]有哪些现象表明动物是痛苦的?
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