统计项目 | 经常饮酒者 | 非饮酒者 |
统计人数 | 8979 | 9879 |
肝炎发病率 |
[判断题]法律对行政强制措施的对象.条件.种类作了规定的,行政法规.地方性法规不得作出扩大规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]排烟消防车在排烟机运行的时候发动机转速超过2500 r/min时,大量的液压油通过泄荷阀进行泄荷,长时间这种状态下工作,会造成液压系统油温升高。( )(难)
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 通过信息网络或者通讯工具实施,符合“软暴力”违法犯罪行为特征的手段,不应当认定为“软暴力”。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]电信是指通信者利用电磁系统,采用任何表示形式,按照公认的协定,向一个或多个确定的通信者或向尽可能多的通信者传递任何性质的信息的任何过程。
根据以上定义,下面属于电信的是( )。 A. 火车上加装了闭路电视,向旅客播送文艺节目 B. 小张送给他同学一张电子版的《小说集》光盘,请他阅读 C. 某公司用短信形式发送本公司产品广告 D. 老王去朋友家串门,在门口按门铃 [单选题]《配电安规》新插接的钢丝绳套应做( )允许负荷的抽样试验。
A.50% B.100% C.125% D.150% [单项选择] Foreign visitors to England often ask 61 for a good restaurant but when their hosts suggest one to them, it is usually Italian or French or Indian - in short, 62 English. The truth is that English people enjoy their own cooking at home but are often ashamed of it in public. Even the experts who write articles on food 63 to use the French word “cuisine”, which suggests that “cooking” is inferior.
In fact, English cooking is not 64 as people think. The trouble with it, in my opinion, is that the most appetizing typical dishes do not go with wine. At home, English people usually drink either water or beer or even (strange as it may seem) tea with their meals; in restaurants they sometimes think they had better order wine for the 65 of appearances.
66 a number of exclusive restaurants in Britain are trying to develop a “national cuisine”. But their main criterion 67 appears to be to search 68 in ancient cookery books and give the results names like “Mutton
A. another end B. another side C. the other end D. the other side [单项选择]推动区域协调发展,缩小区域发展差异是“协调”发展理念的要求。京津冀协同发展建设有助于辐射带动环渤海地区和北方腹地发展。其具体内容不包括()。
A. 有序疏解北京非首都功能 B. 建设沿江绿色生态廊道 C. 构建一体化现代交通网络 D. 扩大环境容量和生态空间 [单项选择]可使血糖浓度下降的激素是()
A. 肾上腺素 B. 胰高血糖素 C. 胰岛素 D. 生长素 E. 糖皮质激素 [判断题]电缆导体连接方法有很多,在选择电缆导体连接方法时,主要考虑耐温性能和抗拉强度的要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]
防灾安全监控系统的风监测子系统应具备大风监测( )功能。 A.反应 B.预警 C.处置 D.报警.预警 [多选题] 用高温给水和蒸汽冲洗冷油器时应配戴( )防护用品。
A. 防烫手套 B. 长筒靴 C. 围裙 D. 防护面罩 E. 普通服装 [单选题]带电断开架空线路与空载电缆线路的连接引线之前,应检查电缆所连接的( ),确认电缆空载。
A.架空线路状态 B.开关设备状态 C.互感器状态 D.设备状态 我来回答: 提交