Researchers investigating brain size
and mental ability say their work offers evidence that education protects the
mind from the brain’s physical deterioration. It is known that the brain shrinks as the body ages, but the effects on mental ability are different from person to person. Interestingly, in a study of elderly men and women, those who had more education actually had more brain shrinkage. "That may seem like bad news," said study author Dr. Edward Coffey, a professor of psychiatry and of neurology at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit. However, he explained, A. The brain of an adult person shrinks 2.5% every 10 years. B. The cerebrospinal fluid of a person with 8 years of education may have increased 17.7 milliliters. C. The cerebrospinal fluid of a person with 16 years of education may increase by 10%. D. The brain of an aged person shrinks 5% every 10 years. [单项选择]成瘾性是指:
A. 药物引起的反应与个体体质有关,与用药剂量无关 B. 等量药物引起和一般患者相似但强度更高的药理效应或毒性 C. 用药一段时间后,患者对药物产生精神上依赖,中断用药,出现主观不适 D. 长期用药,需逐渐增加剂量,才可能保持药效不减 E. 长期用药,产生生理上依赖,停药后出现戒断症状 [判断题]内泄漏是液压缸内部油液低压区向高压区的泄漏,内泄漏将使油液发热、液压缸的容积效率降低( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Why Summer Vacation Won’t Make You Happier A.From an informal and highly unscientific survey of friends and colleagues, I can report that the reasons for not feeling happy after returning from vacation include: the flight home (red-eye to New York); realizing what they just did to their credit-card balance; getting back to work; wondering if they should have gone somewhere different; sharp memories of kids fighting constantly in the back seat of the rental car; and sadness that the next vacation will not arrive for months, typically around the end of the year, making them wonder over and over, how am I going to hold out until then I, in contrast, not having taken a vacation this year and with none scheduled, am positively euphoric (非常高兴的) compared with these unhappy souls: I have something to look forward to and a world of possible destinations to fantasize about. B.Anecdotes do not equal data, as scientists say, but in this cas [单选题]35kV及以下电压等级金属氧化锌避雷器交接试验时测试主绝缘绝缘电阻应选用( )兆欧表。
A.5000V B.2500V C.1000V D.500V [单项选择]关于药物相互作用青霉素与氢化可的松配伍可
A. 使青霉素分解增快而导致疗效降低 B. 使青霉素免受开环破坏 C. 使青霉素的血药浓度增高,毒性可能增加 D. 出现混浊、沉淀、变色和活性降低 E. 发生透明度不改变而效价降低的潜在性变化 [单项选择]只适用于在空气中测量的是()
A. 照射量 B. 吸收剂量 C. 比释动能 D. 当量剂量 E. 有效剂量 [单选题] "铁的吸收部位主要是( )
A. 胃粘膜 B. 十二指肠和小肠上部 C. 空肠 D. 回肠 [多项选择]鼓室肌的生理功能包括()。
A. 肌反射对声刺激的保护作用,低频较高频为优 B. 耳内肌反射有潜伏期,强刺激时较弱刺激时短 C. 耳内肌收缩时鼓膜紧张度增加,各听骨之间连接更紧,听骨链劲度增大,使中耳的传声效能减弱 D. 声音引起耳内肌的反射中,镫骨肌的收缩起主要作用 E. 但因这种肌反射有一定潜伏期,对突发性爆炸声的保护作用不大 [多项选择]下列关于会计分录的表述正确的是______。
A. 会计分录要素有记账金额和会计科目名称两部分组成 B. 按其所涉及会计科目的多少分为:简单会计分录和复合会计分录 C. 不允许编制多借多贷的复合会计分录 D. 在实际工作中,是通过编制记账凭证来确定会计分录的 [判断题]配电室的门应向内开,并配锁。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]雨雪天气若直接验电,应使用雨雪型验电器,并戴( )。
A.护目镜 B.绝缘手套 C.线手套 D.安全帽 [单项选择]在反应中过量加入营养物时,代谢产量(),缺乏营养物时,代谢产物()。
A. 增多,减少 B. 减少,减少 C. 增多,增多 D. 减少,增多 我来回答: 提交