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发布时间:2024-01-23 03:45:52

[单选题]Text 2 When Europe caught America's flu after 2008,bond markets picked off the euro's weakest members one by one.Greece,Portugal,Ireland and Spain were forced into bail-outs.Italy,the euro's third largest economy,tottered.Emergency funds were created,and the European Central Bank(EC B)implied it would create unlimited quantities of cash if needed,and the euro limped on.Today,growth is picking up and unemployment falling.But no one believes that the euro,which lacks the political and fiscal institutions typical of a currency area,can remain half-built forever.Investors are uncertain of its future,and governments have piled on debt since the last crisis,shrinking the space available to respond to the next one.The case for reform is much-talked about.The creation of the euro in 1999 denied its members the option of restoring competitiveness by devaluing.Labour-market mobility and fiscal transfers,which smooth the effects of shocks in other currency areas,were limited by rules and by culture.Bail-outs and belt-tightening were the prescribed solution for governments hit by sudden capital stops,which annoyed everyone:creditors resented opening their wallets;debtors contracted an acute case of austerity fatigue.The currency turned from an instrument of convergence between countries to a wedge driving them apart.Just compare Germany's unemployment rate with Greece's.All this created a legacy of mistrust that haunts the euro zone today.That helps explain why,despite this endless talk of troubles,conversations about euro-zone reform have gone nowhere.Indebted countries like Italy have grown addicted to the ECB's cheap money,ignoring pleas from Mario Draghi,the bank's president,to use the time he has bought them to reinvent their economies.Hardliners like Germany are more convinced than ever of the need for strict rules on spending and structural reform.Anxious officials wonder where the political impetus for a debate on the euro's future might come from.If the euro area is capable of taking advantage of good conditions,best to build confidence slowly.Start with the incomplete banking union,which still lacks a common deposit-insurance scheme(thanks to German objections),and a backstop for its resolution fund.The much-celebrated capital-markets union,which aims to reduce European firmsJ reliance on banks for finance,is only getting off the ground.Improving cross-border financial flows matters as much as the more contentious fiscal risk-sharing.In time,that might open the way to more radical changes.They will require the sort of political courage for which the euro zone has never been known,but it could turn out to be less painful than some suspect:polls find record support for the single currency among voters,and a surprising appetite for reform.Like self-hating addicts,governments have shivered in the euro zone's halfway house for too long,hooked up to Mr Draghi's monetary medicine and convincing themselves that they deserve no better.It is time to move on. The author's attitude toward Mr Draghi's monetary policy is one of_____

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[单选题]Text 2 When Europe caught America's flu after 2008,bond markets picked off the euro's weakest members one by one.Greece,Portugal,Ireland and Spain were forced into bail-outs.Italy,the euro's third largest economy,tottered.Emergency funds were created,and the European Central Bank(EC B)implied it would create unlimited quantities of cash if needed,and the euro limped on.Today,growth is picking up and unemployment falling.But no one believes that the euro,which lacks the political and fiscal institutions typical of a currency area,can remain half-built forever.Investors are uncertain of its future,and governments have piled on debt since the last crisis,shrinking the space available to respond to the next one.The case for reform is much-talked about.The creation of the euro in 1999 denied its members the option of restoring competitiveness by devaluing.Labour-market mobility and fiscal transfers,which smooth the effects of shocks in other currency areas,were limited by rules and by culture.Bail-outs and belt-tightening were the prescribed solution for governments hit by sudden capital stops,which annoyed everyone:creditors resented opening their wallets;debtors contracted an acute case of austerity fatigue.The currency turned from an instrument of convergence between countries to a wedge driving them apart.Just compare Germany's unemployment rate with Greece's.All this created a legacy of mistrust that haunts the euro zone today.That helps explain why,despite this endless talk of troubles,conversations about euro-zone reform have gone nowhere.Indebted countries like Italy have grown addicted to the ECB's cheap money,ignoring pleas from Mario Draghi,the bank's president,to use the time he has bought them to reinvent their economies.Hardliners like Germany are more convinced than ever of the need for strict rules on spending and structural reform.Anxious officials wonder where the political impetus for a debate on the euro's future might come from.If the euro area is capable of taking advantage of good conditions,best to build confidence slowly.Start with the incomplete banking union,which still lacks a common deposit-insurance scheme(thanks to German objections),and a backstop for its resolution fund.The much-celebrated capital-markets union,which aims to reduce European firmsJ reliance on banks for finance,is only getting off the ground.Improving cross-border financial flows matters as much as the more contentious fiscal risk-sharing.In time,that might open the way to more radical changes.They will require the sort of political courage for which the euro zone has never been known,but it could turn out to be less painful than some suspect:polls find record support for the single currency among voters,and a surprising appetite for reform.Like self-hating addicts,governments have shivered in the euro zone's halfway house for too long,hooked up to Mr Draghi's monetary medicine and convincing themselves that they deserve no better.It is time to move on. The author indicates in Paragraph 4 that_____.
A.the euro zone should wait for a better time for reform
B.the reform should start with the completion of a banking union
C.Germany has made great contributions to euro zone reform
D.the capital-markets union is yet to be established
[单选题]Text 2 When Liam McGee departed as president of Bank of America in August,his explanation was surprisingly straight up.Rather than cloaking his exit in the usual vague excuses,he came right out and said he was leaving“to pursue my goal of running a company.”Broadcasting his ambition was“very much my decision,”McGee says.Within two weeks,he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group,which named him CEO and chairman on September 29.McGee says leaving without a position lined up gave him time to reflect on what kind of company he wanted to run.It also sent a clear message to the outside world about his aspirations.And McGee isn’t alone.In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post.As boards scrutinize succession plans in response to shareholder pressure,executives who don’t get the nod also may wish to move on.A turbulent business environment also has senior managers cautious of letting vague pronouncements cloud their reputations.As the first signs of recovery begin to take hold,deputy chiefs may be more willing to make the jump without a net.In the third quarter,CEO turnover was down 23%from a year ago as nervous boards stuck with the leaders they had,according to Liberum Research.As the economy picks up,opportunities will abound for aspiring leaders.The decision to quit a senior position to look for a better one is unconventional.For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.Says Korn/Ferry senior partner Dennis Carey:”I can’t think of a single search I’ve done where a board has not instructed me to look at sitting CEOs first.”Those who jumped without a job haven’t always landed in top positions quickly.Ellen Marram quit as chief of Tropicana a decade age,saying she wanted to be a CEO.It was a year before she became head of a tiny Internet-based commodities exchange.Robert Willumstad left Citigroup in 2005 with ambitions to be a CEO.He finally took that post at a major financial institution three years later.Many recruiters say the old disgrace is fading for top performers.The financial crisis has made it more acceptable to be between jobs or to leave a bad one.“The traditional rule was it’s safer to stay where you are,but that’s been fundamentally inverted,”says one headhunter.“The people who’ve been hurt the worst are those who’ve stayed too long.”30.Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.CEOs:Where to Go?
B.CEOs:All the Way Up?
C.Top Managers Jump without a Net
D.The Only Way Out for Top Performers
[单选题]Text 4 When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads,railways,broadband and energy.Housing is seldom mentioned.Why is that?To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame.We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth.Then there is the scale of the typical housing project.It is hard to shove for attention among multibillionpound infrastructure project,so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere.But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.Nevertheless,the affordable housing situation is desperate.Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this.It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that.The communities minister,Don Foster,has hinted that George Osborne,Chancellor of the Exchequer,may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt.Evidence shows that 60,000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted,increasing GDP by 0.6%.Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment,which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.But it is not just down to the government.While these measures would be welcome in the short term,we must face up to the fact that the existing£4.5bn programme of grants to fund new affordable housing,set to expire in 2015,is unlikely to be extended beyond then.The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition's spending plans if returns to power.The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of largescale public grants.We need to adjust to this changing climate.While the government’s commitment to long-term funding may have changed,the very pressing need for more affordable housing is real and is not going away. The author believes that the housing sector______
A.has attracted much attention
B.involves certain political factors
C.shoulders too much responsibility
D.has lost its real value in economy
[单选题]Text 4 When Kclscy Sisavath enrolled as a freshman at Lincoln Alternative High School in Walla Walla,Washington,in the fall,her mother was struggling with drug addiction.She was angry,depressed,and suicidal.Her traumatized brain had little room to focus on school.Today,much has changed in Kelsey's life.She graduated from Lincoln this spring with a 4.0 GPA while also taking classes at a community college.She is articulate,confident,and happy.Kelsey believes Lincoln changed her life.Neuroscience tells us that the brains ofkids regularly facing significant trauma or toxic stress are wired for survival and likely to erupt at the smallest provocation.A major study ofAdverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs)by the Ccnters for Disease Control and Kaiser Permanente found that the higher a young person's ACEs score,the greater the risk in adulthood of chronic disease,mental illness,and premature death.These children also have a far greater future likelihood of either inflicting or being the victim ofviolence.Students struggling with this toxic stress are often ill-suited to learn in a traditional educational environment."Teachers like to tell students that if they work hard they will succeed-that it is in their control to pay attention,do their homework,and perform well in class.But those assumptions don't work for children growing up in high-stress environments,such as those living in poverty,"said Jim Sporleder,the former principal of Lincoln.At Lincoln,the teachers and staff follow a few deceptively simple rules:Don't take anything the student says personally and don't mirror their behavior with an outburst of your own.The teachers give students time to calm down,ofien in the principal's office or a special"quiet room".Later,they inquire about what might be bothering them and ask if they want to talk about it.Such seemingly straightforward techniques are actually based on hard science.In contrast to the fight-or-flight response triggered by perceived threats,seemingly minor acts of kindness,such as a few caring words from a teacher or a quick hug,can activate a cascade of Oxytocin,sometimes called the"love hormone".In highly traumatized kids,such simple acts can have an outsized impact.In the years immediately following Lincoln's adoption of trauma-informed practices,the school saw a fivefold increase in graduation rates,a threefold increase in students headed to college,75 percent fewer fights,and 90 percent fewer suspensions.38.The behaviour of teachers in Lincoln High School may include
A.an immediate response to students'assault.
B.an ignorance of children'remarks and behaviour.
C.an encouragement for children to pursuit success.
D.a detention for children with misbehaviour.


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