She was slim and he liked her that way.
So he called a lawyer. The result was a contract. According to the document, the
fresh-faced bride agreed to pay a fine for each pound she gained in weight, the
money refundable upon its loss. The paper signed, and the wedding went
on. This is a prenuptial (婚前的)agreement—one more indication of the strange pass of marriage in this most transactional decade. You are welcome to marriage, contractual style, where increasingly detailed legal documents spell out everything from who’s going to do the dishes to who’s going to get the house when you split. This is family planning taken to extreme. Once employed solely by the rich, second-timers and the old industrialist carrying off the latest young cookie, the prenuptial agreement—a written pact between a couple outlining the financial obliga A. Cupid is cast aside as prenuptial agreements become common. B. Prenuptial agreements will provide you dignity when you divorce. C. Prenuptial agreements and marriages are mutually inclusive. D. Yours is yours and mine is mine. [填空题]
COVER LETTER How to improve()in the company. [单选题]TFX1型防滑器诊断功能代码为89表示( )
A.系统各部件正常 B.按钮功能已开始执行 C.CPU自检 D.RAM自检 [判断题]消防员隔热防护服如损坏不是特别严重,可继续使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]当代中国发展进步和全党全国各族人民团结奋斗的旗帜是什么?
[单选题]进站信号机在正常情况下的显示距离不得少于( )。
A.800m B.900m C.1000m D.1100m [判断题]焊接车间可燃气瓶和氧气瓶应分别存放,用完的气瓶不必及时移出工作场地,不得随便横躺卧放。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在有煤与瓦斯突出矿井、区域的采掘工作面和瓦斯矿井掘进工作面,不应选用( )自救器。
A.化学氧隔离式 B.压缩氧隔离式 C.过滤式 [判断题]1mol硫酸的质量等于它的相对分子质量。
[判断题]象征性交货是在CIF条件下,卖方按合同在装运港将货物装船,并提交全套合格单据。卖方在合同规定的装运期内将货物交给承运人或第一承运人的处置之下,就算完成了交货任务,无需保证到货。反之,如果卖方提交的单证不合要求,即使合格的货物安全运达,也不算完成交货。所以象征性交货卖方是凭单交货,买方是凭单付款。 ( )
[单选题]在Outlook Express中,使用“邮件规则”可以______。
A. 在发信时自动的把相应的邮件按级别发送 B. 在收信时自动的把不同的来信分类放在相应的文件夹中 C. 设置邮件服务器的类型 D. 设置拒收所有陌生人的邮件规则 我来回答: 提交