Getting up earlier than usual or
sleeping a couple of hours late can have a significant effect on your mood,
according to research published in 1997. When the body’s internal clock, or
circadian (生理节奏的) rhythm, gets {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of accord with your
sleep-wake {{U}} (68) {{/U}}, you can be left {{U}} (69) {{/U}}
out of sorts. Researchers have long known that moods vary along {{U}} (70) {{/U}} fluctuations in functions regulated by the body’s {{U}} (71) {{/U}} 24-hour cycle rhythm, such as body temperature and hormone levels. The {{U}} (72) {{/U}} of time a person has been awake is also known to {{U}} (73) {{/U}} mood. To tease apart the two effects, U.S. and U.K. researchers {{U}} (74) {{/U}} 24 healthy volunteers to live in {{U}} (75) {{/U}} chambers for approximately three to five weeks and {{U}} (76) {{/U}} their sleep-wake A. in B. for C. at D. to [单选题]预应力混凝土施工中,当施工中预应力筋需要超张拉或计入锚圈口预应力损失时,可比设计要求提高( ),但在任何情况下不得超过设计规定的最大张拉控制应力。
A.5% B.6% C.7% D.8% [单选题]在一定季节和区域内不易腐烂、变质、冻损的易腐货物,经托运人确认不影响货物质量的,承运人可根据托运人的要求,使用棚车或通用集装箱装运。使用棚车装运时,应按( )规定办理。
A.《易腐货物运输条件表》 B.《使用棚敞车运输易腐货物的措施》 C.《使用棚敞车运输协议》 D. 《使用棚敞车运输安全协议》 [单选题]采用直接灭火时,须随时注意风量、风流方向及气体浓度的变化,并及时采取[ ]措施。( )
A.减少风量 B.增加风量 C.控制风量 D.停止风量 [单选题]河床断面测量应在桥梁( )范围内进行。
A.局部 B.全长 C.部分 D.少部分 [单选题]建议在调整瞬时或短延时定值后仍无法解决灵敏度问题的长电缆,或无法躲过主变风冷、水泵等大型电动机启动电流的回路采用带( )保护。
A.短路 B.零序 C.接地 D.差动 [简答题]全真教和正一道有什么不同?
[单选题]属于公用性质或占用线路规划走廊的供电设施,由( )统一管理。
A.居民 B.工业企业 C.商业企业 D.供电企业 [单选题]输全血不包括()
A.输新鲜血 B.输库存血 C.血小板悬液 D.自体输血 [判断题]运行中隔离开关支柱绝缘子断裂时,应将其迅速拉开,做好安全措施,汇报调度等待检修。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交