指令类型 | 指令所占比例 | CPI |
读取指令 | 23% | 2 |
存数指令 | 12% | 2 |
算数指令 | 50% | 1 |
转移指令 | 15% | 2 |
The traditional American Thanksgiving
Day celebration (1) to 1621. (2) that
year a special least was prepared in Plymouth, Massachusetts. The
colonists who (3) there had left England because they felt
(4) of religious freedom. They came to the (5)
and faced difficulties in (6) the ocean. The ship
which (7) them was called Mayflower. The North Atlantic was
difficult to travel. There were bad storms. They were (8) in
learning to live in the new earth by the Indians who (9) the
region. The puritans, (10) they were called, had much to be
thankful (11) Their religious practices were (12)
longer a source of criticism by the government. They learned to
(13) their farming habits to the climate and soil.
(14) they selected the fourth Thursday of A. In B. At C. During D. For [多项选择]治安管理处罚的原则有( )。
A. 教育与处罚相结合的原则 B. 行为与处罚法定的原则 C. 处罚公正、公开的原则 D. 保障当事人权利的原则 [多项选择]十二经脉气血的流注是有一定顺序的,下列说法中正确的有
A. 手太阴经上接足厥阴经 B. 手太阴经下交足厥阴经 C. 手太阴经下交手阳明经 D. 手阳明经下交足阳明经 E. 足太阴经下交手太阴经 [判断题]活泼氢的测定(如醇类、胺类、酰胺类、酚类、硫醇类、酸类、磺酰胺类),可采用与格氏试剂作用放出甲烷,或与LiAlH4作用放出氢,测量生成气体的体积可计算氢的含量。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]执行内攻等危险战斗任务时,遇空气呼吸器余量不足、( )、体能下降、突发险情等情况,无法按时安全有效完成既定任务时,应立即调整战斗部署或果断撤离、整装再战,严禁逞强作业。
A. 火场温度增高 B. 烟气增多 C. 供水不足 D. 器材故障 [判断题]起重设备工作中,严禁从吊臂或吊物下通过、停留;严禁在高处作业下方站立或行走。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Why are people unable to see clearly even in daytime in New York
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]属于碳青霉烯类抗生素的是
A. 亚胺培南 B. 氨曲南 C. 麦迪霉素 D. 磷霉素 E. 舒巴坦钠 [填空题]An artist(画家) went to a wonderful part of the country
with a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. 76. ______ Everyday he went out and painted from morning to 77. ______ evening, and then he went back the farm and had a 78. ______ good dinner before he went to bed. When his holiday finished, he wanted to give the 79. ______ farmer some money, so the farmer said, "No, I do not 80. ______ want money—but give me one of your picture. What is 81. ______ money In a week, it will all be finished, but your picture will always here." 82. ______ The artist was very happy and thanked the farmer for saying such things to his pictures. 83. ______ The farmer answered, "It is not that. I ha 我来回答: 提交