I don’t know what to do about my mother. She is always criticizing me — the way I dress, the way I speak or look. I can’t even read a book without her interrupting me to ask what it’s about and tell me whether I should be reading it or not, and why. And of course every moment of my time away from her has to be accounted for. I try to tell her to stop interfering with my life, but it doesn’t seem to help. And I’ve no one to advise me, my father is dead and I have no brothers or sisters. It’s not as if my mother has any worries; we’re fairly well off and she doesn’t have to work, only do the housekeeping. Now I’ve met a wonderful girl whom I want to see a lot, but I’m afraid to bring her to the house — when she meets my mother she won’t want to see me any more. I’m nineteen years old, and I’m anxious to be independent.
What is the speaker anxious for
{{B}}Dark Forces Dominate
Universe{{/B}} The Earth, moon, sun and all visible stars in the sky make up less than one per cent of the universe. Almost all the rest is dark matter and dark energy, unknown{{U}} (1) {{/U}}that puzzle astronomers. Observations in recent years have changed the basic understanding of how the universe evolved and have emphasized for astronomers how little is known{{U}} (2) {{/U}}the major forces and substances that shaped our world: Astronomers now know that luminous matter-stars, planets and hot gas — {{U}} (3) {{/U}}only about 0.4 per cent of the universe. Non. luminous components, such as black holes and intergalactic gas, make up 3.6 per cent. The rest is either dark matter, about 23 per cent, or dark energy, about 73 per cent. Dark matter, sometimes called "c A. unchecked B. unlocked C. unknown D. unmeasured [单选题]当人们看见一面红旗时,立即能知道它是红色的,这是( )。
A. 味觉 B. 视觉 C. 听觉 D. 知觉 [单选题]线路允许速度160km/h≥vmax>120km/h,波浪型磨耗谷深超过( )mm时为轻伤钢轨。
A.0.3 B.0.5 C.1 D.2 [多选题]车辆通行信息查询功能说明通过该功能可查询车辆通行信息查询菜单路径【查询统计】---【车辆通行信息查询】。操作说明:在查询统计菜单下选择车辆通行信息查询,进入页面;可对( )、( )、( )查询。
A. 门架信息 B. 车辆通行明细 C. 车辆识别图像 D. 车辆交易信息 [单项选择]深圳市某外商投资企业1996年在中国境内取得应纳税所得额为1800万元,在A国取得应纳税所得额500万元,已在该国纳税200万元,则该企业1996年度应缴纳的企业所得税为( )。
A. 159万元 B. 594万元 C. 559万元 D. 124万元 [多选题]《技规》第409条 听觉信号:( )发出的音响和机车、自轮运转特种设备的鸣笛声。
A.号角 B.口笛 C.响墩 D.火炬 [判断题]氯气泄漏事故现场不可用石灰水进行洗消。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010 -2020年)》提出了坚持把( )放在优先发展的战 略地位。
A.育人为本 B.教育 C.改革创新 D.促进公平 [名词解释]前角
A. 心律失常 B. 栓塞 C. 猝死 D. 心功能不全 E. 晕厥 [单选题]供电方、客户方当中的任何一方不得擅自变更安全措施,工作中如有特殊情况需要变更时,应先取得工作许可人的同意并及时恢复。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]起道作业收工时,允许速度不大于120 km/h的线路顺坡率不应大于2.0‰,允许速度为120 km/h(不含)~160 km/h的线路顺坡率不应大于1.0‰,允许速度大于160km/h的线路顺坡率不应大于( )。
A.0.6‰ B.0.8‰ C.1.0‰ D.1.2‰ [单选题]各级公安机关印章的刻制必须严格按照有关规定()批准,并在指定处刻制,严禁私刻公章。
A.报备 B.呈报 C.呈请 D.报请 [多项选择]在下列哪些情况下禁忌做膀胱镜检查及输尿管插管( )
A. 尿道狭窄 B. 急性膀胱炎 C. 慢性膀胱炎 D. 膀胱容量小于50ml E. 无尿 [填空题] The earthquake of 26th December 2004 resulted in one of the worst natural disasters in living memory.It was a (31) _____ underwater quake and occurred in the Indian Ocean.It (32) ____ coastlines,communities and brought death to many people.
Why do earthquakes happen?
The surface of the earth has not always looked as it does today;it is moving(33)____ (although very slowly)and has done so for billions of years.This is one(34)____ of earthquakes,when one section of the earth (tectonic plate)(35)____ another.Scientists can predict where but not(36)____ this might happen and the area between plates is called a fault line.On one fault line in Kobe,Japan in 1923 over 200,000 people were killed.(37)____,earthquakes do not always happen on fault lines,(38)____ is why they are so dangerous and (39)____.
Where do volcanoes happen?
Volcanoes happen where the earth’s(40)____ is thin:lava,dust and gases(41)____ from beneath the earth.They can rise into a huge
A. A.relatively B.hardly C.still D.gradually [多选题]在建设工程醒目位置施工人员集中住宿场所应设置( )。
A.消防安全宣传栏 B.悬挂消防安全挂图 C.施工现场平面图 D.消防安全警示标识359建设单位应在拆除工程开工前,应将下列相关资料报送建设工程所在地的县级以上地方人民政府建设行政主管部门备案。 [多选题]推动应急演练常态化,创新演练模式,逐步实现桌面推演与()、专项演练与()、常态化演练与()相结合。
A.现场演练 B.实战演练 C.综合演练 D.示范性演练 [单项选择]化学烧伤时下列处理正确的是().
A. 碱烧伤时清水冲洗时间不宜过长 B. 使用酸碱中和剂应及时、彻底和坚决 C. 石灰烧伤时主张大量流动清水持续冲洗 D. 眼部碱烧伤应立即用3%硼酸液中和,再用等渗生理或蒸馏水彻底冲洗 E. 烧伤局部处理同时注意内脏器官保护 [单选题]ZAJ7-P220/4200电液转辙机动作时间不大于。
A. 3.8s B. 5s C. 12s D. 15s [单项选择]In the U. S. , it is common that each state ______ its power to an elected or appointed state board of education.
A. exercises B. applies C. adjusts D. delegates [单项选择]一般来说,边际商圈的顾客占( )。
A. 15% B. 10% C. 70% D. 25% [不定项选择题]A.上颌窦裂孔
A.眶下孔 B.牙槽孔 C.切牙孔 D.腭大孔 E.在上颌骨前面、眶下缘中点下方椭圆形的孔称为 [单项选择]
患者,男性,46岁,因搬重物致腰痛、右下肢痛5天,咳嗽、用力排便时疼痛加重,卧床休息后减轻。查体:腰部活动受限,腰椎3~5棘突及右侧压痛,右侧直腿抬高试验40°(+),右小腿外侧痛觉减退,双侧腱反射正常对称。X线示:L4~5椎间隙略窄。 直腿抬高试验阳性是指下肢抬到以下哪个角度以内出现疼痛?()A. 40° B. 50° C. 60° D. 70° E. 80° [单选题]根据《商业银行合规风险管理指引》,商业银行应建立对管理人员合规绩效的考核制度。商业银行的绩效考核应体现( )的价值观念。
A.效益优先和合规为辅 B.倡导合规和惩处违规 C.一切从经济效益出发 D.做大规模和做强效益 [判断题]【判断】营业机构或金库办理领缴现业务时,必须配备标准制式运钞车、2名业务押运人员和2名武装押运人员。其中武装押运人员专司安全保卫职责,不参与搬运、驾驶等工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]定位管吊线应顺直受力, 与弹性吊索间隙大于 。( )
A.50mm B.100mm C.200mm D.300mm [单项选择]
四、根据下列文字资料回答问题。 A. 1.5 B. 2 C. 2.5 D. 3 我来回答: 提交