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发布时间:2024-02-10 02:17:52

[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Why Was hemp banned?

A.It is related to the marijuana plant.
B.It can be used to produce marijuana .
C.It was no longer a useful crop.
D.It was destructive to the land.

更多"Why Was hemp banned?"的相关试题:

[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Why do agriculturalists think that hemp would be better for paper production than trees?

A.It is cheaper to grow hemp than to cut down trees .
B.More paper can be produced from the same area Of land.
C.Hemp produces higher quality paper .
D.It causes less pollution Of the environment.
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Why do consumers, businesses and investors retreat and panic in times Of depression?

A.They suffer great losses in stocks, property and other assets.
B.They find the self-correcting mechanisms dysfunctioning.
C.They are afraid the normal social order will paralyzed.
D.They don't know what is going to happen in the future.
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Why can musicians hear selective sound patterns in a noisy environment?

A.Because they have subconsciously trained their ears to get accustomed to those sound patterns .
B.Because their brains have been trained to recognize specific sound patterns in noisy background.
C.Because they can produce the brain wave patterns the same as those sound patterns .
D.Because their trained ears are sensitive to specific sound patterns no matter where they are.
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Why is pulp and paper production important to Canada?

A.Canada needs to find a way to use all its spare wood.
B.Canada publishes a lot of newspapers and
C.Pulp and paper export is a major source of income tor Canada.
D.Hemp is a traditional plant of Canada.
[单选题]Why Have Formal Documents Finally, writing the decisions down is essential. Only when one writes do the gaps appear and the ( ) protrude(突出). The act of writing turns out to require hundreds of mini-decisions, and it is the existence of these that distinguishes clear, exact policies from fuzzy ones. Second, the documents will communicate the decisions to others. The manager will be continually amazed that policies he took for common knowledge are totally unknown by some member of his team. Since his fundamental job is to keep everybody going in the (72) direction, his chief daily task will be communication, not decision-making, and his documents will immensely (73) this load. Finally, a manager’s documents give him a data base and checklist. By reviewing them (74) he sees where he is, and he sees what changes of emphasis or shifts in direction are needed. The task of the manager is to develop a plan and then to realize it. But only the written plan is precise and communicable. Such a plan consists of documents on what, when, how much, where, and who. This small set of critical documents (75) much of the manager’s work. If their comprehensive and critical nature is recognized in the beginning, the manager can approach them as friendly tools rather than annoying busywork. He will set his direction much more crisply and quickly by doing so..
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

Why didn't the current recession turn into a depression according to Christina Romer?

A.The government intervened effectively.
B.Private markets corrected themselves
C.People refrained from buying durables and big-ticket items.
D.Individuals and companies adopted self-protection measures.
[单选题]Why do people read negative Internet comments and do other things that will obviously be painful?Because humans have an inherent need to 1 uncertainty,according to a recent study in Psychological Science.The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will 2 to satisfy their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will 3.In a series of four experiments,behavioral scientists at the University of Chicago and the Wisconsin School of Business tested Student’s willingness to 4 themselves to unpleasant stimuli in an effort to satisfy curiosity.For one 5,each participant was shown a pile of pens that the researcher claimed were from a previous experiment.The twist?Half of the pens would 6 an electric shock when clicked.Twenty-seven students were told with pens were electrified,another twenty-seven were told only that some were electrified.7 left alone in the room.The students who did not know which ones would shock them clicked more pens and incurred more shocks than the students who knew what would 8 subsequent experiments reproduced,this effect with other stimuli 9 the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard and photographs of disgusting insects.The drive to 10 is deeply rooted in humans.Much the same as the basic drives for 11 or shelter,says Christopher Hsee of the University of Chicago Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can 12 New Scientific advances,for instance—but sometimes such 13 can backfire,the insight that curiosity can drive you to do 14 things is a profound one.Unhealthy curiosity is possible to 15,however.in a final experiment,participants who were encouraged to 16 how they would feel after viewing an unpleasant picture were less likely to 17 to see such an image.These results suggest that imagining the 18 of following through on one’s curiosity ahead of time can help determine 19 it is worth the endeavor.Thinking about long-term 20 is key to reducing the possible negative effects of curiosity.Hsee says.“in other words,don’t read online comments”6选?


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