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[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Three Ways to Become More Creative

Most people believe they don't have much imagination.They are wrong. Everyone has imagination,but
most of us,once we become adults,forget how to access it.Creativity isn't always connected with great works
of art or ideas.People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems.Maybe
you have a goal to achieve,a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind!Here are three
techniques to help you.
This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First,think about
the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do.Then find an image,word,idea or object,for exam-
ple,a candle.Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles:light,fire,matches,wax,night,silence,
etc.Think of as many as you can.The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do.So imagine
you want to buy a friend an original present,you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the
Imagine that normal limitations don't exist.You have as much time/space/money,etc.as you want.
Think about your goal and the new possibilities.If,for example,your goal is to learn to ski,you can now prac-
tice skiing every day of your life(because you have the time and the money).Now adapt this to reality.May-
be you can practice skiing every day in December,or every Monday in January.
Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators(谈判者)use this technique in
business,and so do wnters.Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books.They ask
questions:What does this character want?Why can't she get it?What changes must she make to get what
she wants?What does she dream about?If your goal involves other people,put yourself" in their shoes".The
best fishermen think like fish! The phrase"put yourself in their shoes"in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to__________.
A.dress yourself like them
B.do as they ask you to
C.think as they would
D.put on their shoes

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇Three Ways to Beco"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Three Ways to Become More Creative

Most people believe they don't have much imagination.They are wrong. Everyone has imagination,but
most of us,once we become adults,forget how to access it.Creativity isn't always connected with great works
of art or ideas.People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems.Maybe
you have a goal to achieve,a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind!Here are three
techniques to help you.
This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them. First,think about
the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do.Then find an image,word,idea or object,for exam-
ple,a candle.Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles:light,fire,matches,wax,night,silence,
etc.Think of as many as you can.The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do.So imagine
you want to buy a friend an original present,you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the
Imagine that normal limitations don't exist.You have as much time/space/money,etc.as you want.
Think about your goal and the new possibilities.If,for example,your goal is to learn to ski,you can now prac-
tice skiing every day of your life(because you have the time and the money).Now adapt this to reality.May-
be you can practice skiing every day in December,or every Monday in January.
Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators(谈判者)use this technique in
business,and so do wnters.Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books.They ask
questions:What does this character want?Why can't she get it?What changes must she make to get what
she wants?What does she dream about?If your goal involves other people,put yourself" in their shoes".The
best fishermen think like fish! We learn from the third technique that a good salesman should ask himself:_________?
A.What do I usually do
B.What did my boss tell, me to do
C.What are my customers' needs
D.How should I sell my products
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

Three Ways to Become More Creative

Most people believe they don't have much imagination.They are wrong. Everyone has imagination,but
most of us,once we become adults,forget how to access it. Creativity isn't always connected with great works
of art or ideas.People at work and in their free time routinely think of creative ways to solve problems.Maybe
you have a goal to achieve,a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind!Here are three
techniques to help you.
This technique involves taking unrelated ideas and trying to find links between them.First,think about
the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do.Then find an image,word,idea or object,for exam-
pie,a candle.Write down all the ideas/words associated with candles:light,fire,matches,wax,night,silence,
etc.Think of as many as you can?The next stage is to relate the ideas to the job you have to do?So imagine
you want to buy a friend an original present,you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the
Imagine that normal limitations don't exist. You have as much time/space/money,etc.as you want.
Think about your goal and the new possibilities.If,for example,your goal is to learn to ski,you can now prac-
tice skiing every day of your life(because you have the time and the money).Now adapt this to reality.May-
be you can practice skiing every day in December,or every Monday in January.
Look at the situation from a different point of view. Good negotiators(谈判者)use this technique in business;
and so do writers.Fiction writers often imagine they are the characters in their books.They ask questions:
what does this character want?Why can't she get it?What changes must she make to get what she wants?
What does she dream about?If your goal involves other people,put yourself" in their shoes".The best fisher-
men think like fish! We learn from the third technique that a good salesman should ask himself_______________?
A.what do I usually do
B.what are my customers' needs
C.what did my boss tell me to do
D.how should I sell my products
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

Ways to Create Colors in a Photograph

There are two ways to create colors in a photograph.One method called additive,starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other color. The second method,called subtractive,starts with white light(a mixture of all colors in the spectrum)and,by taking away some or all other colors,leaves the one desired.
In the additive method,separate colored lights combine to produce various other colors.The three additive primary colors are green,red and blue(each providing about one-third of the wavelengths in the total spectrum).Mixed in varying proportions,they can produce all colors.Green and red light mix to produce yellow,red and blue light mix to produce magenta(a purplish pink);green and blue mix to produce cyan(a bluish green).When equal parts of all three of these primary-colored beams of light overlap(重叠),the mixture appears white to the eye.
In the subtractive process colors are produced when dye(染料)absorbs some wavelengths and so passes on only part of the spectrum.The subtractive primaries are cyan,magenta and yellow; these primaries or dyes absorb red,green and blue wavelengths respectively,thus subtracting them from white light. These dye colors are the complementary colors to the three additive primaries of red,green and blue.Properly combined,the subtractive primaries can absorb all colors of light, producing black.But,mixed in varying proportions,they too can produce any color in the spectrum.
Whether a particular color is obtained by adding colored lights together or by subtracting some light from the total spectrum,the result looks the same to the eye.The additive process was employed for early color photography. But the subtractive method,while requiring complex chemical techniques,has turned out to be more practical and is the basis of all modern color films. What explanation is given for the use of the subtractive method in modern color films?
A.The additive process is still being developed.
B.The subtractive process is more efficient.
C.Subtractive colors are more realistic.
D.Additive chemical techniques are too complex.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

More Than Just Money

When Patricia Rochester decided to go back to school after ten years as a staff nurse at
Toronto Western Hospital,her employer not only cheered her on,but also paid her tuition
and gave her a day off with pay every week to study.Throughout her years at the hospital,
Rochester has also taken workshops on everything from coaching peers to career
development一courses that she believes have helped her advance at work."I'm now head
of the mentoring(指导)program for new hires, students and staff nurses," she says.
"There's a lot of room for personal improvement here."
Perhaps as important,Rochester says her employer supports and values her work."If
you put in overtime,"the nurse points out,"you get your meals一they'll order in pizza or
Greek food or Chinese."And if staffers feel stiff and stressed from too many hours on the
ward,they can call for a free 15-minute shoulder-and-neck massage(按摩)or even sign
up for an eight-week evening course on meditation skills and stress-relief.If that's not
enough,employees can take advantage of five family days a year that can be used if the
kids come down with the flu or an aging parent needs ferrying to an important doctor's
appointment.And they have access to a range of perks(好处)such as special rates on
hotel rooms,drugstore purchases,and scholarships for employees' children.
You might wonder how an organization can provide such resources and still survive.
But University Health Network is one of a number of progressive employers in Canada that
have discovered that investing in staff is good business.
If such initiatives help companies cut down on turnover(人员更替)alone, they're well
worthwhile,says Prem Benimadhu,a vice-president at the Conference Board of Canada.
It costs anywhere from$3,300 to rehire support staff,an average$13, 300 for technical
staff and a whopping(巨资)$43, 000 for an executive position, according to one study of
Conference Board members.
Innovative initiatives help companies attract talented employees,cut down on sick days
(which cost Canadian businesses an estimated $17 billion a year,or an average of
$3,550 per employee)and keep employees more interested in their work.With the
substantial talent shortage that already exists in Canada and the prospect of mass retirement
over the next five years一as many as 50 or 60 per cent in some sectors一Benimadhu says
that intelligent employers are putting a renewed focus on the people who work for them. In paragraph 2,the phrase"come down with"could be best replaced by
A."shake off".
B."get rid of".


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