To what extent are the unemployed
failing in their duty to society to work, and how far has the State an
obligation to ensure that they have work to do It is by now increasingly recognized that workers may be thrown out of work by industrial forces beyond their control, and that the unemployed are in some sense paying the price of the economic progress of the community. But concern with unemployment and the unemployed changes sharply. The issues of duty and responsibility were re-opened and made active by the unemployment scare of 1971--1972. Rising unemployment and increased sums paid out in benefits to the workless had reawakened controversies which had been inactive during most of the period of fuller employment since the war ended the Depression. It looked as though in future there would again be too little work to go round, so there were arguments A. the State and the employers were equally to blame B. the unemployed did not fulfill their social duty to find work C. the role played by the employers in creating unemployment was not recognized D. the State was guilty of breaking the social contract by letting unemployment increase [多选题]减少机械设备因摩擦、撞击产生火花的主要措施有()等。
A.A产品合格 B.B规范操作 C.C价格最高 D.D免割岩石 E.E维护到位 [判断题]在单线区段,应采用半自动闭塞或自动闭塞。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现场安全措施是降低( )的有效措施,任何单位或个人不得擅自变更。
A.作业风险 B.电网风险 C.设备风险 D.系统风险 [单选题]加速绝缘老化的主要原因是(____)。
A.电压过高 B.电流过大 C.温度过高 D.受潮 [判断题]持票人所持票据超过权利时效即丧失票据权利。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]慢性粒细胞白血病Ph染色体阴性病例占CML的
A.90%~95% B.10%~15% C.5%~15% D.5%~10% E. [判断题]用地单位采伐已经批准占用或者征用的林地上的林木时时,不再申请林木采伐许可证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]共产党员如果敢于坚持真理,那么,必须同歪风邪气进行针锋相对的斗争;如果对错误的东西一味顺着、跟着、护着,那么只能助长不正之风的恶性蔓延。所以()。
A. 搞不正之风的人中没有共产党员 B. 只有共产党员才对不正之风进行针锋相对的斗争 C. 敢于坚持真理的共产党员必定对歪风邪气进行针锋相对的斗争 D. 所有的共产党员都对歪风邪气进行针锋相对的斗争 [判断题]1977年到1978年经济建设中的新冒进,加剧了长期以来形成的国民经济比例失调。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列无抗幽门螺杆菌作用的药物是
A.甲硝唑 B.庆大霉素 C.阿莫西林 D.红霉素 E.四环素 [单项选择]我国古代思想家史伯提出“和实生物”,“以土与金、木、水、火杂,以成百物”,该观点属于()。
A. 多元论观点 B. 辩证唯物主义观点 C. 朴素唯物主义观点 D. 主张矛盾调和的形而上学观点 [单选题]下列哪种粉尘遇火可能爆炸( )。
A.悬浮煤尘 B.沉积煤尘 C.悬浮岩尘 D.沉积岩尘 [单项选择]抽屉试验时小腿上端向前滑动提示:()
A. 胫侧副韧带撕裂 B. 腓侧副韧带撕裂 C. 前交叉韧带损伤 D. 后交叉韧带损伤 E. 髌韧带损伤 [单项选择]关于路由收敛,以下说法最确切的是().
A. 收敛是由于网络变化而引起的变化过程 B. 收敛是指路由器之间互相发送hello报文形成邻居的过程 C. 收敛是两个路由器将它们的路由表合并成一个的过程 D. 收敛是网络中所有路由表的同步过程,或简单地可以定义为一个路由器对网络变化采取相应措施达到 [单项选择]《危险化学品安全管理条例》规定,运输危险化学品需要添加抑制剂或者稳定剂的,托运人应当添加,并将有关情况告知()。
A. 发货人 B. 收货人 C. 承运人 [单选题]制冷压缩机的主要作用是对制冷剂蒸气进行( )。 A.吸气 B.排气 C.压缩 D.做功
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]根据《无人值守变电站及监控中心技术导则》,蓄电池容量应至少满足全站设备()以上的用电要求。
A. 15分钟 B. 30分钟 C. 60分钟 D. 120分钟 [多选题]短促口令其特点是:(),不论几个字,中间()、(),通常按音节(字数)平均分配时间,是时最后一个稍长,发音短促有力
A.A、只有动令 B.B、预令 C.C、不拖音 D.D、不停顿 [判断题]如果领导者让下属参与决策,自己提供便利条件给予支持,这种领导行为叫做告知。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]In this modem era, we don't need to go to the library to search for information ______ we must decades ago.
A. like B. for C. since D. as [判断题]微电网运行控制目前主要集中在对简单形态的交流型微电网的研究。
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