Teachers and other specialists in early
childhood education recognize that children develop at different rates. Given
anything that resembles a well-rounded life — with adults and other children to
listen to, talk to, do things with — their minds will acquire naturally all the
skills required for further learning. Take for example, reading. The two strongest predictors of whether children will learn to read easily and well at school am whether they have learned the names and the sounds of letters of the alphabet before they start school, That may seem to imply that letter names and sounds should be deliberately taught to young children, because these skills will not happen naturally. But in all the research programs where they have done just that—instructed children, rehearsed the names and sound A. letter names and sounds are deliberately taught to them B. parents read stories very often without frustrating the children with questions C. they have never learned letters D. they play with letters unconsciously [单项选择]患者血浆 患者血浆+ 患者血浆+
正常血清 钡吸附血浆血发病A A. 延长 不能纠正 纠正 B. 延长 纠正 纠正 C. 延长 纠正 不能纠正 D. 延长 不能纠正 不能纠正 E. 延长 延长 延长 [单选题]重度低渗性缺水,已有休克,抢救时一般先输给下列何种液体( )( )
A.5%葡萄糖注射液200~300mL B.0.45%氯化钠注射液200~300mL C.10%葡萄糖注射液200~300mL D.5%氯化钠注射液200~300mL E.0.9%氯化钠注射液200~300mL [单选题]银行保险机构至少每()年开展一次突发事件应对预案的演练,检验应对预案的完整性、可操作性和有效性,验证应对预案中有关资源的可用性,提高突发事件的综合处置能力。
A.1 B.3 C.5 D.10 [单项选择]Are you looking for appliances or furniture to give new life to your home Look no further. Here at Frontier Furniture, we have everything you need to give your home a new look and feel.
Stereos, video machines, refrigerators, light fixtures, dining room tables, washers and dryers. You name it; we have it! Low on cash We have an easy rent-to-own plan that will put you in your favorite sofa tonight. Big color TVs as low as two hundred and twenty-five dollars; digital pianos starting at three ninety-nine ($399) ; king size beds from two hundred and fifty dollars. Free delivery on all major appliances. So come on down to Frontier Furniture. Located downtown two blocks east of city hall, across from Union Square. We’re open daily from 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM. So, come on in, and let us make your dream home a reality. What is the name of the business being advertised A. Fortune Furniture. B. Frontier Furniture. C. Fabulous Furniture. D. Front Furniture. [单选题]停车后设备或管路的置换一定要彻底,置换后必须经分析( ),才能作业。
A.取样 B.气体 C.合格 D.惰性气体 [判断题]对于财产保险、意外伤害保险、健康保险等保险品种而言,一般多为长期保险合同。对于人寿保险而言,一般多为中短期保险合同。 ( )
A.校验码 B.控制域 C.站址 D.结束码 E./ F./ [单项选择]女孩,7岁,右侧肾盂积水,一日突然出现右侧腹部剧烈绞痛,最可能的诊断是
A. 小儿肠痉挛 B. 原发性腹膜炎 C. 泌尿系结石嵌顿 D. 急性阑尾炎 E. 胆道蛔虫 [单选题]应用特高频局部放电对GIS进行检测,放电信号在工频相位的正、负半周均会出现,且具有一定对称性,放电幅值较分散,放电次数较少,则最可能的缺陷是( )
A.尖端放电 B.绝缘内部气隙放电 C.内部悬浮放电 D.自由颗粒放电 [单项选择]腱器官的传入神经纤维属于()
A. Aα类 B. Aγ类 C. Ⅰa类和Ⅱ类 D. Ⅰb类 E. C类 [判断题]( )B737 型飞机 PBE 使用应先戴上面罩再启动氧气装置。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人民银行管理员
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]流动性风险监管指标不包括( )。
A.流动性覆盖率 B.存贷比 C.流动性比例 D.速动性比例 [判断题]若为自动售检票设备或验钞设备误收,由当事人及值班站长封装非标准币并报客运处或AFC中心,由相关技术人员进行设备测试并完成事件说明,非标准币交由设备供应商负责补还。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《危险性较大的分部分项工程安全管理规定》,专项施工方案应当由( )审核签字、加盖单位公章,并由总监理工程师审查签字、加盖执业印章后方可实施。
A.施工单位技术负责人 B.施工单位企业负责人 C.施工单位项目技术负责人 D.施工单位项目负责人 [单项选择]下列属于继发性肾脏疾病的是()
A. 急性肾小球肾炎 B. 急进性肾小球肾炎 C. 过敏性紫癜性肾炎 D. 隐匿性肾小球肾炎 E. 慢性肾小球肾炎 [单项选择]男性,12岁。摔倒出现右股部疼痛血肿就诊。体检:右股上部有一个9cm×8cm大小的血肿,压痛明显。化验:出血时间正常,凝血时间14分钟,APTT比正常对照延长20秒,给正常BaSO4吸附血浆不能纠正,给正常血清可以纠正。病人首选治疗是()
A. 新鲜血浆 B. 库血 C. C.凝血酶原复合物(PPS D. 浓缩第Ⅷ因子 E. 抗血友病球蛋白(AHG) [判断题]实验动物从业单位应有完整的职业健康、安全管理规定和技术操作规范,并负责对从业人员进行有针对性的职业健康、生物安全的技术培训,配备安全防护设备。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交