W: That’s a had cough.
M: Yes, it’s because I smoke.
W: How many cigarettes do you smoke
M: Thirty a day.
W: Smoking is bad for your health.
M: I know.
W: Give it up.
M: It’s easy to say. But how
W: Count one, two, three until ten before you have a cigarette.
M: That’s a goad idea.
W: Don’t smoke after dinner.
M: But I like a cigarette after dinner.
W: Eat an apple or have a cup of tea instead.
M: It’s no good. It’s difficult to give it up.
"The US economy is rapidly
deteriorating," says Mr. Grannis. "The odds of a recession are now very high,
perhaps by the end of the year." There are already some signs that important
pillars are weakening. Consumer confidence has fallen for the past two months.
The housing sector, which has been buoyant, is starting to sink. Corporate
profits are falling. Some analysts are especially concerned over the sharp fall
of commodity prices. They believe it represents the threat of deflation, it
could cause a global slowdown. "The Fed will have to act forcefully to arrest
the deflationary forces," says Robert Lamorte, chairman of Behavioral Economics,
a consulting firm in San Diego. But others counter that the central bank doesn’t
need to intervene. They argue the Fed should wait to see real data before
acting. "The A. To pacify the market. B. To make a speech on American economy. C. To intervene. D. To cooperate with Russia to pursue sustainable development. [单选题]下列哪项属高血压危象的概述 ( )
A.在高血压基础上发病、 B.某些诱因使周围小动脉发生暂时性强烈痉挛、 C.血压进一步急剧升高、 D.是一种致命性的临床综合征、 E.以上都是 [单项选择]供应“老鸭煲”最出名的菜馆是()。
A. 张生记酒店 B. 金世纪大酒楼 C. 鸿运楼酒家 D. 岳阳楼菜馆 [单项选择]旅游者在景点遭到抢劫,导游员首先应采取的行动是( )。
A. 立即报警 B. 迅速抢救 C. 立即报告旅行社 D. 全力保护旅游者 [简答题]复式整流装置由哪两部分组成?
A. 有时 B. 偶然 C. 特定情况下 D. 经常 [单项选择]根据《国家电网公司输变电工程标准工艺管理办法》,()负责工程项目“标准工艺”实施情况的检查和验收,审批参建单位“标准工艺”实施的策划文件。
A. 网省公司基建部 B. 建设管理单位 C. 业主项目部 D. 施工项目部 [单选题]对具有法定情形的违反治安管理行为人作出行政拘留决定后,可不执行行政拘留。下列情形适用不执行行政拘留错误的是()。
A.甲实施盗窃时13周岁 B.乙殴打他人时72周岁 C.丙卖淫被查获,经检查已怀孕2个月 D.丁实施抢夺时17周岁,初次违反治安管理 [判断题]任何单位和个人不得阻挠和干涉对事故的依法调查处理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 由于道床板结,阻塞路基面降水的顺利排出会形成( )。
A.滑坡 B.翻浆冒泥 C.路基下沉 D.泥石流 [单选题]抢修许可经核实确认或需补充调整的( ),工作许可人和工作负责人双方办理许可手续。
A.组织措施 B.技术措施 C.安全措施 D.许可措施 [单选题](2012年)价值工程活动中,表达式V=F/C中的V是指研究对象的()。
A.使用价值 B.市场价格 C.交换价值 D.比较价值 [单选题]由轮缘内侧平面至踏面70 mm处的点叫基准点,通过此点与轮缘内侧面平行的线叫基准线。基准线的用途有:以此线为基准测量车轮踏面( )。
A.圆周磨耗 B.圆周擦伤 C.圆周缺损 D.磨耗剥离 [简答题]1.(1.★★★88、问:自动喷水灭火系统设置场所的火灾危险等级有哪几种?
[多选题]下列原因导致六级至四级安全事件的,按四级事件负主要及同等责任处罚:( )。
A.恶性电气误操作 B.不停电、不验电、不装设接地线 C.无票工作 D.工作负责人不在现场 [单选题]银监会要求金融机构内部审计覆盖面原则上不低于全部营业机构的( )。
A.1/2 B.1/3 C.1/4 D.100% [简答题]简要叙述UPS单元的工作原理?
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