提示 镜下:小圆瘤细胞巢大小不一、形状不规则,瘤巢中央见坏死,瘤细胞间见增生的致密纤维结缔组织,灶区见纤维黏液样间质。免疫组织化学染色:AE1/AE3(+),EMA(+),desmin(+),vimentin(+),NSE(+),LCA(-),WT-1(-),CK20(-),CK5/6(-),CD99(-),CD20(-),CD3(-)。该病例的病理诊断为()
Centers of the Great European Cities The centers of the great cities of Europe are meeting places by tradition. People gather there to drink coffee and chat late into the night. A mixture of locals and tourists make for an exciting, metropolitan atmosphere. Squares, plazas (广场) and arcades (拱廊) form the heart of Europe’s cities. Venice in Italy has the Piazza San Marco - a beautiful square surrounded by shops, churches, restaurants and cafes. In Barcelona, Spain, La Bosqueria is a lively market with hundreds of stalls selling all kinds of goods. London’s Covent Garden is filled with fruit and vegetable stalls by day and musicians, acrobats (杂质演员) and artists by night. The government buildings at the center of many cities often are architecturally impressive. In A. has many large squares B. has many very magnificent sky-scrapers C. draws tourists in large numbers every year D. has a center where tourists meet their spouses [单选题]车钩缓冲停止器连接螺杆的直径不得小于( )mm。
A.12 B.14 C.16 D.10 [多选题]美国房地产经纪代理业务的运作方式主要有()。
A.经纪人独家销售 B.报底价销售 C.开放式销售和优先购买 D.联合专卖销售 E.经纪人垄断销售 [单选题] 人粪尿可作( )。
A.B,C,D B.基肥 C.种肥 D.追肥 [单选题]原则上我行对收到的询证函应在收到之日起( )工作日内予以回函。
A.10 B.5 C.3 D.7 [判断题]施工、检修、清扫设备人员躲避不及时,造成列车停车,应定耽误列车事故。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]18.慢性胃炎患者应避免口服
A.链霉素 B.庆大霉素 C.泼尼松 D.吗丁啉 E.甲氨氯普胺(胃复 安) [单项选择]若文件系统采用二级文件目录,则可以
A. 缩短访问存储器的时间 B. 实现文件共享 C. 节省内存空间 D. 解决不同用户间文件命名冲突问题 [判断题]施工封锁前,通过施工地点的最后一趟列车前进方向为不大于6‰的上坡道时,列车调度员可根据施工负责人的请求,在调度命令中注明该次列车通过施工地点后即可开工(按自动闭塞法行车时可安排施工路用列车跟踪该次列车进入区间),列车到达前方站后,再封锁区间。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下述有关食管癌的描述中,错误的是()。
A. 食管上段最常见 B. 鳞状细胞癌多见 C. 可见原位癌 D. 过热饮食与食管癌发生有关 E. 可以多中心发生 我来回答: 提交