The most damning thing that can be said about the world’s best-endowed and richest country is that it is not only not the leader in health status, but that it is so low in the ranks of the nations. The United States ranks 18th among nations of the world in male life expectancy at birth, 9th in female life expectancy at birth, and 12th in infant mortality. More importantly, huge variations are evident in health status in the United States from one place to the next and from one group to the next.
The forces that affect health can be divided into four groupings that lend themselves to analysis of all health problems. Clearly the largest group of forces resides in the person’s environment. Behavior, in part derived from experiences with the environment, is the next greatest force affecting health. Medical care services, treated as separate from other environmental factors because of the special interest we have in them, make a modest contribution to health status
A. suggestions for specific proposals to improve the quality of life in America
B. a list of the most common causes of death among male and female adults
C. an explanation of the causes of poverty in America, both absolute and relative
D. a proposal to ensure that residents of central cities receive more and better medical care
There are far too many road accidents
in this country, too many deaths and too many people injured. One wonders who
are most to (41) , drivers or pedestrians(行人). Some people
say that the blame cannot be (42) fairly without considering
the state of the roads and the whole (43) system. In
(44) cities like London, Birmingham or Manchester, mad
conditions are so chaotic(混乱的) that both driver and pedestrian (45)
endanger lives through no fault of their own. (46)
deficiencies as too many road signs, faulty traffic lights, sudden
narrowing of the streets, congested(拥挤的) parking are all a sure (47)
of bad road conditions. (48) , many experts are
(49) that the larger part of the blame (50)
the death toll(死亡人数) must be put on persons and persons (51)
: Drivers who drive too fast A. unique B. usual C. curious D. indifferent [单选题]018321导曲线一般为圆曲线型,可根据需要设置6mm超高,并在导曲线范围内按不大于()顺坡。
A.2‰ B.4‰ C.6‰ D.8‰ [简答题]简述人文主义教育的基本特征。
A. 丝状乳头 B. 菌状乳头 C. 轮廓乳头 D. 叶状乳头 E. 味蕾 [单项选择]在人事管理阶段出现的人事管理模型的中心是( )
A. 劳动效率 B. 工作 C. 人才 D. 人际关系 [判断题]接触网标称电压值为27.5kV。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]应用呼吸机辅助呼吸时,吸/呼比值为
A.1:1-1:1.5 B.1:1-1:2 C.1:1.5-1:2 D.1:2-1:2.5 E.1:2-1:3 [单项选择]影响传染病流行过程的因素有自然因素和()
A. 社会因素 B. 文化因素 C. 机体的免疫力 D. 地理因素 E. 病原体的致病力 [单选题]初产妇, 28 岁。足月妊娠,破膜后宫缩过强,不久突然出现烦躁不安、呛咳、呼吸 困难、发绀,并出现休克。最可能的诊断是
A.羊水栓塞 B.妊娠合并心脏病 C.子痫 D.胎盘早剥 E.子宫破裂 [单选题]血气分析中正常PH值范围为
A.7.25~7.35 B.7.35~7.45 C.7.45~7.55 D.7.50~7.55 E.7.50~7.60 [单项选择]图书馆电子资源开放时间段()
A. 不定期开放 B. 周三下午不开放 C. 全年开放 D. 暑假期间不开放 [单选题]吐某拟加入某国恐怖活动组织,接受培训后再回国实施恐怖活动。某日,其持伪造的护照和某国签证偷越国境,被我边防人员当场抓获。吐某构成()。
A..参加恐怖组织罪 B.偷越国(边)境罪 C.非法出境的违法行为 D.准备实施恐怖活动罪 [判断题]行车有关人员在执行职务时,必须坚守岗位,穿着规定的服装,佩戴易于识别的证章或携带相应证件,讲普通话。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交