{{B}}Entertainment in London{{/B}} {{B}}Buying Books{{/B}} Londoners are great readers. They buy vast numbers of newspapers and magazines and even of books especially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap in spite of ever-increasing rises in the costs of printing. They still continue to buy "proper" books, too, printed on good paper and bound between hard covers. There are many streets in London containing shops which specialize in book-selling. Perhaps the best known of these is Charing Cross Road in the very heart of London. Here bookshops of all sorts and sizes are to be found, from the celebrated one which boasts of being "the biggest bookshop in the world" to the tiny, dusty little places which seem to have been left over from Dickens’ time. Some of these shops A. The putting forward of dinner. B. The costume of the performance. C. The time of the performance. D. The restaurants nearly offer different food. [多项选择]治安管理处罚的特点有( )。
A. 治安管理处罚的基本依据是《行政诉讼法》 B. 治安管理处罚的适用对象是违反治安管理尚不够刑事处罚的人,包括公民和单位 C. 治安管理处罚的适用主体是公安机关 D. 治安管理处罚适用的法律依据是《治安管理处罚法》等 [单选题]真空断路器的分、合闸速度,一般是指真空灭弧室触头闭合前或分离后一段行程内的( )。
A.刚分-刚合点速度 B.平均速度 C.最大速度 D.最小速度 [单项选择]与五苓散均有“脐下悸”之症的方剂是
A. 桂枝加桂汤 B. 苓甘五味姜辛汤 C. 苓桂术甘汤 D. 苓桂五味甘草汤 E. 苓桂甘枣汤 [判断题]《晋能控股集团有限公司员工奖惩办法(试行)》规定,严肃认真、注重细节,及时发现并采取有效措施消除事故隐患,有效避免了人员伤亡,使企业免遭损失的,给予精神奖励。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]应尽可能采取防水布、土工织物、()防浪措施,其速度快、效果好。
A. 土袋 B. 沙土 C. 沙子 D. 石子 [单选题]道岔精调基本原则先整体,后局部;先直股,后曲股;先高低,后水平;先轨向,后轨距;转辙区和辙叉区( )。
A.多查 B.勤动 C.少查 D.少动 [单项选择]
A project management technique that is currently in widespread use is the (27) . The purpose of this technique is to detail, in hierarchical fashion, all of the activities that are required to meet project objectives. There are some special activities called (28) , which are events that signify the accomplishment or completion of major deliverables during the project. Most system development methodologies also provide (29) , whose purpose is to contain the various pieces of relevant information - feasibility assessments, schedules, needs analysis, and so forth - in a single place so that they can be presented to project clients and other related parties. Several types of important network diagrams are used in project management. (30) was developed to make clear the interdependence between project tasks before those tasks are scheduled. (31) offers the advantage of dearly showing overlapping tasks. 29()A. baseline plan B. project planning C. statement of work D. information system planning [单项选择]保险金额是当保险标的的保险事故发生时,保险公司所赔付的( )。
A. 最低金额 B. 平均金额 C. 不确定 D. 最高金额 [单选题]运用下列生物工程技术培育生物新品种,操作过程中能形成愈伤组织的是( )。
A.细胞核移植 B.动物细胞培养 C.动物胚胎移植 D.植物体细胞杂交 [多选题]使用氧乙炔设备时,( )。
A.操作人员必须按规定穿戴劳动保护用品 B.其他人员应远离喷嘴前方,防止烧伤 C.乙炔瓶不得靠近热源和电器设备 D.乙炔瓶与明火与氧气瓶间的距离不得小于5 m。 [单选题] 有三台三相笼型异步电动机由同一个配电回路供电,已知电动机甲的额定电流为 20A,电动机乙的额定电流为 10A,电动机丙的额定电流为 5A,选择供电回路熔断器熔体的额定电流范围值为( )A。
A.45~65 B.52.5~87.5 C.35~70 D.70~105。 [判断题]冻结优点:生效时间长,可利用这段时间进行资金原路返还等相关工作
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]压缩文件打包将应用程序制作成扩展名为.rar的压缩包文件。
[判断题]两部消防电梯宜设在同一防火分区内。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交