Every second, 56 hectare of the
world’s rainforest is destroyed. That’s one to two football fields. This 57 rate of destruction has serious consequences 58 the environment. Scientists estimate, for example, that 137 59 of plant, insect or animal become 60 every day due to logging. In British Columbia, 61 ,since 1990,thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear cut,142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the 62 of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened. Logging, 63 ,provides jobs , profits, taxes for the government and cheap products of all kinds for consumer A. for B. on C. at D. to [单项选择] New Technique Promises Earlier Cancer Detection
A new technique could revolutionize the early detection of cancer, giving sufferers a greater chance of beating the disease, American scientists said. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have devised a novel method of 【51】 changes in the nucleus of cells in the earliest stages of the disease." More than 85 percent of all cancers originate in the epithelium (上皮) that lines the internal surfaces of organs 【52】 the body. Although these are treatable 【53】 they are diagnosed in one of the preventable stages, early body damages are almost 【54】 to detect," said scientist Feld. " We present a new optical-probe (光学探子) technique based on light-scattering spectroscopy (分光镜检查) that is able 【55】 detect precancerous and early cancerous cells in cell-rich epithelia," he added in a statement.
The new technique relies on the fact 【56】 cell nuclei change in the early stages of cancer and the differences scatte
A. when B. how C. why D. that [单项选择]查询理财卡人民币活期账户余额,应该发送短信()
A. cxye#理财卡号末四位 B. cxmx#理财卡号末四位 C. 00+理财卡号末四位 D. 33+理财卡号末四位 [多选题]开关设备的机构箱、汇控箱一般应设有两种加热器电源:()
A.一种为驱潮防潮设计,应长期投入,功率一般较小 B.另一种为加热电源,在温度低于设定值投入 C.一种为防凝露设计,采用凝露原理来启动加热器 D.另一种为防湿设计,采用湿度线性启动。 [判断题]索道架设应按索道设计运输能力、选用的承力索规格、支撑点高度和高差、跨越物高度、索道档距精确计算索道架设弛度,架设时严格控制弛度误差范围。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]科学发展观还将在以后的实践中进一步丰富、发展和完善。
A. 为皮肤炭疽 B. 古称"鱼脐疔" C. 来势暴急,易并发走黄,可危及生命 D. 能损筋伤骨 E. 好发于头面,其次是胫足、手臂等部 [判断题]14、在带电的接触网下,作业人员不得在罐车等车辆(棚车、冷藏车、双层运输汽车专用车内除外)上进行装卸作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]利用天然或合成的高分子材料将固体或液体药物包裹而成的微小胶囊称()
A. 微囊 B. 微丸 C. 微球 D. 纳米粒 E. 纳米球 [单选题]新疆电网的频率标准是50.00Hz,按50±0.20Hz控制,禁止升高或降低频率运行。
A.A.正确 B.B.错误 [单项选择]女孩,12岁。4个月前开始眼皮睁不开,视物成双,自觉休息后好转。3个月前感四肢无力,经中药治疗病情稳定。约5d前感冒后以上症状加重,并出现吞咽困难,饮水呛咳。近2d不能下床,憋气,咳嗽有痰。来院时体温38℃,神志清,唇、甲稍有紫绀,呼吸肌明显无力,痰量不多。最急需的适当治疗是()
A. 气管插管 B. 气管切开 C. 肌内注射洛贝林 D. 正压人工呼吸 E. 肌肉注射新斯的明 [单选题]《建规》规定,歌舞娱乐放映游艺场所,()设置在一、二级耐火等级建筑物内的首层、二层或三层的靠外墙部位。
A. 宜 B. 可以 C. 应当 D. 必须 [单项选择]下列不合法的main函数命令行参数的表示形式是 ______ 。
A. main(int a,char * c[]); B. main(ac,aint arc;char * * av; C. main(c,int c;char * v[]; D. main(argc,argint argc;char argv[]; [判断题]
单相接地故障对电力系统稳定运行的影响最小。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]列车运行速度的测量有哪些方法?
[多选题]企业外汇资本金账户内资金结汇可选择( )形式使用其外汇资本金。
A. 支付结汇制 B. 实时结汇制 C. 意愿结汇制 D. 收付结汇制 [判断题]对于全站有两组阀控蓄电池组,在进行蓄电池核对性充放电时,放电后隔2~3h后,再用I10电流进行恒流限压充电-恒压充电-浮充电反复放充(2~3)次,蓄电池容量可以得到恢复
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]所有直流弧焊机均属淘汰产品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]公司所属各级单位应严格落实“四个管住”工作要求,建立线上管控模式,强化()作业安全管控,守住安全生产“生命线”。
A.场地 B.落实 C.现场 D.执行 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,作业人员离开工作现场,工作票所列安全措施不变,宜办理工作间断,但每次复工前应()正确完好。
A.经调度确认 B.重新验电装设接地线 C.检查安全措施 D.经运行人员确认 我来回答: 提交