How exactly, does science work How do
scientists go about doing science Ordinarily we think science proceeds in a
straight-forward way. Ideally scientists make observations, formulate hypotheses
(假设), and test those hypotheses by making further observations. When there is
difference between what is observed and what is predicted by the hypothesis, the
hypothesis is revised. Science proceeds in this way, which is a gradual method
of finding the best fit between observation and prediction. But this idealized version of how one does science is naive. Although science demands proof that observations made by one observer be observable by other observers using the same methods, it is by no means dear that, even when confronted with identical phenomena, different observers will report identical observations. And it is most ce A. The research methods used by scientists. B. Observation and human perception variation. C. The relation between hypothesis and observation. D. The human perceptual mechanism. [多项选择]居民骨干的培养是地区发展模式中社会工作者的重要任务,教育的内容主要包括()。
A. 领导策略 B. 心理战术 C. 行政管理方法 D. 专业特长 E. 动员居民的技巧 [单项选择]It is useful to be able to predict the extent()which a price change will affect supply and demand.
A. with B. from C. for D. to [单选题]45钢退火后的硬度通常采用( )硬度试验法来测定。
A.洛氏 B.布氏 C.维氏 D.肖氏 [单项选择]某公司采用应收账款余额百分比法、按5%。的比例计提坏账准备。该公司年末应收账款余额为120000元,“坏账准备”科目贷方余额为200元,本年应计提的坏账准备为()元。
A. 600 B. 800 C. 400 D. 200 [判断题]'大额资金炒股的'属于员工不良行为排查'九种人'规定。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 抗毒素免疫可防止全身性疾病,但不能防止白喉杆菌在鼻咽部寄生。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]苏建规字(2020)6号文件,对于房屋建筑工程设计招标项目,建筑工程设计方案评标时,()专家不得少于技术和经济方面专家总数的三分之二。
A.结构专业 B.建筑专业 C.设计大师 D.设计 [单选题]末期评定记录不包括哪一项( )。
A.一般项目 B.入院情况 C.出院指导 D.目前情况 E.尚存问题 [判断题]检定证书只须有检定、核验人员签字并加盖检定单位印章。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国《票据法》中所称的票据是指( )。
A.汇票、本票 B.汇票、本票、支票 C.汇票、支票 D.汇票、本票、支票及其他有价证券 [单项选择]生活质量指数(PQLI)的计算不需要的指标是()
A. 婴儿死亡率 B. 1岁平均期望寿命 C. 国民生产总值 D. 婴儿死亡指数 E. 成人识字率 [单选题]把抵抗变形的能力称为构件的(____)。
A. 强度 B. 刚度 C. 硬度 D. 耐压 我来回答: 提交