{{B}} Need for Emphasis on
Treatment{{/B}} AIDS programs in developing countries put little emphasis on treatment, the World Health Organization said Tuesday, asking for more small community-based clinics to be opened to treat HIV-infected people. An estimated 36 million to 46 million people are living with AIDS, two-thirds of them in Africa, but only 440,000 people in developing countries were receiving treatment by the end of 2003, the UN health agency said in its annual report. "Without treatment, all of them will die a premature and in most cases painful death," the WHO said in the t69-page World Health Report. WHO Director General Lee Jong wook said community-based treatment should be added to disease prevention and care for suffers in AIDS programs. A. They put too little emphasis on treatment. B. They are not receiving any treatment. C. They refuse to be treated. D. They live longer than those in developed countries, [单项选择]乳腺癌侵犯乳房悬韧带,引起的相应体征为
A. 橘皮样变 B. 乳头内陷 C. 肿瘤表面皮肤凹陷(酒窝征) D. 局部水肿 [多选题](第十六条)负责警戒的人员要( )。( )
A.注意自身安全 B.选择安全位置站立 C.发现异常及时报告指挥员或发出紧急撤离信号,并做好紧急避险准备 D.站在来车方向路中间 [单选题]BD003 按 GB150《钢制压力容器》标准规定,对于钢制和有色金属压力容器,水压试验压力为容器工作压力的( )。
A.2 倍 B.1.8 倍 C.1.5 倍 D.1.25 倍 [多项选择]根据《中华人民共和国建筑法》的规定,从事建筑活动的企业必须具备下列()条件。
A. 有符合规定的注册资本 B. 有相应数量的具有执业资格的专业技术人员 C. 有相应的技术设备 D. 有相应数量的劳动工人 E. 有相应的管理制度 [单项选择]下列智能楼宇用电设备中,属于保安负荷的是()。
A. 空调 B. 消防设备 C. 照明设备 D. 电梯 [单选题] 25T型客车在采用兆欧表或耐压仪进行全列DC 110 V母线绝缘测试时,必须保证控制柜内( )均处断开位。
A.Q1,Q2 B.Q20,Q30 C.Q3,Q4 D.Q5,Q6 [单项选择]万能转换开关的代号是()。
A. WNK B. WHK C. WNJK D. WNHK [简答题]商务拜访接待礼仪包括哪些内容?
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