{{B}}Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following
passage.{{/B}} The human criterion for perfect vision is 20/20 for reading the standard lines on a Snellen eye chart without a hitch. The score is determined by how well you read lines of letters of different sizes from 20 feet away. But being able to read the bottom line on the eye chart does not approximate perfection as far as other species are concerned. Most birds would consider us very visually handicapped. The hawk, for instance, has such sharp eyes that it can spot a dime on the sidewalk while perched on top of the Empire State Building. It can make fine visual distinctions because it is blessed with one million {{I}}cones{{/I}} (视锥细胞) per square millimeter in its {{I}}retina{{/I}} (视网膜). And in water, humans are farsighted, while the kingfisher, swooping down to spear fish, can see well in both A. A.dividing what it sees into thousands of dots B.constantly gauging its flying speed C.using the sun as a constant point of reference D.measuring the angle of the sun [单选题] 依据《南方电网公司安全生产令》第四条的规定,按定员配备生产人员,严禁未经培训、未经考试合格、未按规定持证的人员从事作业。( )
A. 正确 B. 错误 [判断题]电压互感器与变压器主要区别在于容量小。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]使用注册商标,对下列哪些行为,商标局可责令限期改正或者撤销该注册商标
A. 红祥服装有限公司自行将其“海霞”牌注册商标改为“红霞”牌商标使用 B. 安特酒业集团公司因公司迁址,自行将其注册商标中公司的地址改为现住址 C. 未向商标局申请,惠源祥食品有限公司将其“圆圆”牌注册商标转让给玲珑实业有限公司使用 D. 某外资企业获得某注册商标后,已连续4年停止使用 [判断题]生产经营单位爆破、动火、吊装等危险作业,应安排专门人员现场安全管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]程序员编写程序时,使用的访存地址是()
A. 主存地址 B. 逻辑地址 C. 物理地址 D. 有效地址 [单选题]钻.磨.套铣等打开封堵层位循环结束后,必须关井观察,无溢流后再用原密度压井液洗井( )个循环周,方可起钻。
A.0.5 B.1 C.1.5~2 D.3 [单选题]导线截面在16mm2及以下时,接户线两端的绝缘子一般选用的类型是( )。
A.拉线绝缘子 B.悬式绝缘子 C.蝶式绝缘子 D.针式绝缘子 [多项选择]翻译的初级产物中能被羟化修饰的氨基酸是
A. 丝氨酸 B. 脯氨酸 C. 酪氨酸 D. 赖氨酸 [单选题]76.()板是中兴OLT整个POTS业务的主处理单元与核心功能部件,主要负责完成呼叫处理.完成话音及64kbpsHDLC信令时隙的交换,提供整个POTS模块的系统时钟,提供系统所需的音源(忙音等)。
A.A.SSUB B.B.ODT C.C.AUDB D.D.ALC [多项选择]项目团队能力开发的途径与手段有( )。
A. 在艰苦的工作环境中锻炼 B. 培训 C. 开展团队建设性活动 D. 评价 E. 改善环境 [单项选择]
During the past 15 years, the most important component of executive pay packages, and the one most responsible for the large increase in the level of such compensation, has been stock-option grants. The increased use of option grants was justified as a way to align executives’ interests with shareholders’. For various tax, accounting, and regulatory reasons, stock-option grants have largely comprised " at-the-money options", rights to purchase shares at an "exercise price" equal to the company’s stock price on the grant date. In such at-the-money options, the selection of the grant date for awarding options determines the options’ exercise price and thus can have a significant effect on their value.
Earlier research by financial economists on backdating practices focused on the extent to which the company’s stock price went up abnormally after the grant date. My colleagues and I focused instead on how a grant-date’s price ranked in the distribution of stock prices during the month of the grant. Studying the universe of about 19,000 at-the-money, unscheduled grants awarded to public companies’ CEOs during the decade 1996-2005, we found a clear relation between the likelihood of a day’s being selected as a grant date for awarding options, and the rank of the day’s stock price within the price distribution of the month: a day was most likely to be chosen if the stock price was at the lowest level of the month, second most likely to be chosen if the price was at the second-lowest level, and so forth. There is an especially large incidence of "lucky grants" ( defined as grants awarded on days on which the stock price was at the lowest level of the month) : 12 percent of all CEO option grants were lucky grants, while only 4 percent were awarded at the highest price of the month.
The passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in August 2002 required firms to report grants within two days of any award. Most firms complied with this requirement, but more than 20 percent of grants continued to be reported after a long delay. Thus, the legislation could be expected to reduce but not eliminate backdating. The patterns of CEO luck are consistent with this expectation: the percentage of grants that were lucky was a high 15 percent before enactment of the law, and declined to a lower, but still abnormally high, level of 8 percent afterwards.
Altogether, we estimate that about 1,150 CEO stock-option grants owed their financially advantageous status to opportunistic timing rather than to mere luck. This practice was spread over a significant number of CEOs and firms: we estimate that about 850 CEOs (about 10 percent) and about 720 firms (about 12 percent) received or provided such lucky grants. In addition, we estimate that about 550 additional grants at the second-lowest or third-lowest price of the month owed their status to opportunistic timing.
The cases that have come under scrutiny thus far have led to a widespread impression that opportunistic timing has been primarily concentrated in " new economy" firms. But while the frequency of lucky grants has been somewhat higher in such firms, more than 80 percent of the opportunistically timed grants have been awarded in other sectors. Indeed, there is a significantly higher-than-normal incidence of lucky grants in each of the economy’s 12 industries.
According to the passage, more stock-options were granted to executives because()
A. responsibilities increase very fast on the shoulders of the executives B. they account for a very important part in executives’ pay package C. shareowners intend to tie executives’ interests with their own D. shareholders expect executives to buy stocks at exercise price [单选题]随着北京再次申奥成功,冰雪运动成为中国人民关注的热点,在此次冰雪运动热潮中,大批网络滑雪小组、论坛涌现,通过网络“寻友组队”成为大部分滑雪爱好者的第一需求。从唯物史观角度看这体现了()
A. 虚拟交往是交往的主要形式 B. 现代信息技术革命对生活方式产生巨大影响 C. 精神交往是物质交往的基础 D. 科学技术革命改变生产方式 [单选题]高层建筑火灾内攻作战时应注意安全事项:内攻起点层要设于( ),内攻人员必须带足防护装备和灭火器材,并设置水枪掩护。
A.着火层或下一层 B.着火下二层或三层 C.着火层或上一层 D.着火下一层或二层 [单项选择]某屠宰厂屠宰生猪时,检出了“痘猪肉”,根据国家规定,在规定检验部位 40cm2 面积上有3个或3个以下囊尾蚴的“痘猪肉”,应如何处理
A. 无需处理直接出厂 B. 经过后熟过程后出厂 C. 盐腌处理后出厂 D. 高温处理后出厂 E. 可工业用 [填空题](208446)轴承检测装置采集的是( )_信号。(2.0分)
[单选题]气体探测仪清洁传感器滤网时,首先摘下滤网,然后使用柔软洁净的刷子和( )进行清洁。滤网重新罩上之前应处于干燥状态。
A.温水 B.专用清洗液 C.酒精 D.高压空气 [单选题]各单位要按照公司变电站分类要求,每年及时调整( )的各类变电站目录(见附录A),于每年1月31日前报国网运检部备案。
A.本公司负责运维 B.本单位负责运维 C.地市公司负责运维 D.公司直属负责运维 我来回答: 提交