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发布时间:2023-10-23 02:44:02

[单项选择]In Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman sang praise of()
A. equality
B. equality,democracy and the common people
C. democracy
D. democracy and the common people

更多"In Leaves of Grass Walt Whitman san"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Whitman wrote Leaves of Grass as a tribute(赞颂) to the Civil War soldiers who (had laid) on the battlefields and (whom) he (had seen) (while serving) as an army nurse.
A. had laid
B. whom
C. had seen
D. while serving
[单项选择]What do you think of Walt
A. He was slow.
B. He was weak.
C. He was careful.
D. He was interesting.
[单项选择]Walt Whitman helped to promote the development of ______.
A. sonnet
B. couplet
C. blank verse
D. free verse
[单项选择]Encouragement through praise is the most effective method of getting people ______ their best.
A. do
B. to do
C. doing
D. done
[单项选择]Bill Gates and Walt Disney are two people America has ______ to be the Greatest American.
A. appointed
B. appeased
C. nicknamed
D. nominated
[单项选择]Walt Disney is believed to possess the following abilities EXCEPT
A. painting.
B. creativity.
C. management.
D. merchandising.
[单项选择]The poetic style Walt Whitman devised is now called ______. A. free verse B. sonnet C, blank verse D. ballad
[单项选择]Walt Whitman was a pioneering figure of American poetry. His innovation, first of all, lies in his use of ______, poetry without a fixed regular rhyme scheme.
A. blank verse
B. free verse
C. heroic couplet
D. iambic pentameter
[单项选择]What can be inferred from the words of Robson Walton and Lee Scott
A. They feel content with their progress.
B. They are optimistic about their development.
C. They plan to expand their business.
D. They are worried about their future.
[单项选择]Walt Whitman wrote down a great many poems to air his sorrow for the death of President ______, and one of the famous is “When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’ d. ”
A. Washington
B. Lincoln
C. Franklin
D. Kennedy
[单项选择]Walt stayed because ______.
A. there were no people around
B. Shorty had gone shopping
C. people went fishing on the lake
D. Shorty had asked him to watch the boats and the shop
[单项选择]Walt Disney became an icon after his death not because ________.
A. he was a role model to business people and filmmakers
B. he could entertain the public at large all their lives
C. he was a purveyor of “subliterate” entertainment
D. he could represent all that was good about America
[单项选择]The writer's attitude toward Walt Disney can best be described as
A. sympathetic.
B. objective.
C. critical.
D. skeptical.
[单项选择]Frequent praise made the young man so conceited that he thought himself ______ in his position.
A. inaccessible
B. irresponsible
C. irremediable
D. irreplaceable
[单项选择]Walt liked one little mouse ______.
A. only
B. best
C. better
D. the better


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