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发布时间:2023-10-23 08:10:38

[单项选择]Headquarters of the European Union are in()
A. Paris,France
B. London,Britain
C. Berlin,Germany
D. Brussels,Belgium

更多"Headquarters of the European Union "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have ______ supplies of petroleum.
A. proficient
B. efficient
C. potential
D. sufficient
[单项选择]The amending treaty on European Union can become law only if there is ______ agreement to this effect.
A. overall
B. unified
C. overwhelming
D. unanimous

Text 2 The European Union’s Barcelona summit, which ended on March 16th, was played out against the usual backdrop of noisy "anti-globalisation" demonstrations and massive security. If nothing else, the demonstrations illustrated that economic liberalization in Europe -- the meeting’s main topic -- presents genuine political difficulties. Influential sections of public opinion continue to oppose anything that they imagine threatens "social Europe", the ideal of a cradle-to-grave welfare state. In this climate of public opinion, it is not surprising that the outcome in Barcelona was modest. The totemic issue was opening up Europe’s energy markets. The French government has fought hard to preserve a protected market at home {or its state-owned national champion, Electricite de France (EDF). At Barcelona it made a well-flagged tactical retreat. The summiteers concluded that from 2004 industrial users across Europe would be able to choose
A. popular and sensible.
B. dubious but profitable.
C. slow and contradictory.
D. fragile but promising.

[单项选择]The European Union(EU)is an organization of 15()that promotes cooperation among its members.A.European countries
A. European countries
B. developed countries
C. Western European countries
D. Southern European countries
[单项选择]in its 14 years of ______ the European Union has earned the scorn of its citizens and skepticism from the United States.
A. endurance
B. emergence
C. existence
D. eminence
[单项选择]When the colonel learned that headquarters had been unable to send him reinforcements, he ______ the order for the scheduled attack.
A. countermanded
B. relinquished
C. rephrased
D. invalidated
[单项选择]The headquarters of this textile company is in New York while its 20 ______ companies are located in different parts of the world.
A. parent
B. subsidiary
C. inferior
D. ultimate
[单项选择]Experts from the headquarters will be looking at our methods of production with a view to improving efficiency.
A. 总部的专家将考察我们的生产方式,旨在提高我们的生产效率。
B. 总部的专家为了提高效率将视察我们的生产方式。
C. 从总部来的专家们将观察我们的生产方式,为的是提高我们的效率。
D. 从总部来的专家们带着提高效率的观点,将要来观看我们的生产方法。
[单项选择]The National Geographic Society headquarters, ______ in Washington, D.C., is well-known for its magazine.
A. situated
B. placed
C. stood
D. positioned
[单项选择]Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the_____.
A. British Supreme Court
B. police of Scotland
C. London police force
D. Horse Guards of London


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