Leaving work on time may not sound like much of a (0).... However, in an experiment by glass manufacturers Dartington Crystal, it (19) ... surprisingly difficult. Four managers, who all worked very long hours, took (20) ... in a simple experiment: they agreed to (21) ... to their set hours for a week, with no coming in early, leaving late or taking work home. The aim of the exercise was to (22) ... the balance between the managers’ work and home lives. It was a way to get everyone thinking about their working hours and how to (23) ... them,
Robin Ritchie, the company’s managing director, was very aware that his company was (24) ,.. on the experiment at its busiest time of the year. They were also just days away from a big product (25) .... So not surprisingly, perhaps, it soon became clear that it wasn’t going to be easy: even on the first day, director of design Simon Moore took home a design
A. constant
B. persisting
C. stable
D. lasting
Text{{/B}} Although "lie detectors" are widely used by governments, police departments and businesses, the results are not always accurate. Lie detectors are commonly {{U}} (26) {{/U}} as emotion detectors, for their aim is to {{U}} (27) {{/U}} bodily changes that contradict what a {{U}} (28) {{/U}} says. The lie detector records changes {{U}} (29) {{/U}} heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, and the electrical {{U}} (30) {{/U}} of the skin. In the first part of the {{U}} (31) {{/U}} you are electronically connected to the machine and {{U}} (32) {{/U}} a few neutral questions ("What is your name " etc. ). Your physical reactions serve {{U}} (33) {{/U}} the standard for evaluating what comes {{U}} (34) {{/U}} Then you are presented with a few {{U}} (35) {{/U}} questions among the n A. other B. all C. any D. some [单项选择]教会学生做人属于()
A. 德育 B. 智育 C. 体育 D. 美育 [单项选择]在整体尺寸相同的情况下,换热管排管数量最多的换热器是()。
A. 固定管板式换热器 B. 浮头式换热器 C. U型管式换热器 D. 填料函式换热器 [名词解释]苯丙酮症
[判断题]消防水泵主要由叶轮、叶片、泵壳、泵轴、吸水管、'出水管等组成。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]微波可分为哪几个波段
A. 厘米波 B. 分米波、厘米波 C. 厘米波、毫米波 D. 又称分米波 E. 分米波、厘米波、毫米波 [简答题]什么是国家基本药物制度?
[判断题] 624 题, 本小题 1 分
电流回路的流程,从端子排直接到装置背板。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]刑事案件中的陪审团不会依据任何证人所作的未经证实的证词而做出决定。这是十分正确的,因为对任何人所作的未经证实的指控保留高度怀疑是比较明智的,但为了一致,陪审团应该结束那种通行的做法,即依据未经完全证实的招供而给被告定罪。
下面哪项,如果正确,最能支持上述论点?() A. 当被告推翻其在审判前的坦白的时候,陪审团通常宣判其无罪。 B. 陪审员的选择过程被设计为选择在审判前那些认定被告有罪的人。 C. 当被告确实做了其被指控的罪行时,他们会全部坦白,并且相信原告掌握了足够的证据。 D. 那些容易受到暗示影响的人若被指控有罪,有时会对其过去的经历不太肯定以至于承认所加之罪名。 E. 许多人认为陪审团在被告完全坦白之前不应该对其定罪。 [单项选择]案例一:小顾和小时计划年底结婚,5年后买房,目前小顾税前月收入6000元,小时 为5000元,租房居住,二人已经储蓄8万元,其中5万元用于结婚各项开支,其余3万元作为购房基金的首期储蓄,开展基金投资,并且每月工资的25%(以税前收入为基础)作为基金定投,持续投入该基金,其基金组合的年收益率为8%。
如果按月计算,则小顾和小时的购房基金在买房时可以有( )元的积累。
A. 44695 B. 202061 C. 246757 D. 276554 [多选题]铁路路堤的构造自下至上一般为( )。
A.地基以下 B.地基 C.基床以下路堤 D.基床底层 E.基床表层 [单项选择]下列工具中,需求分析常用的工具是
A. PAD B. PFD C. N-S D. DFD [判断题]贷款迁移应根据会计部门出具的书面通知进行。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]防蜂服具有结构简便、穿着方便、行动自如的特点,能有效防护蜂类袭击,免受伤害。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]发现传染病时按规定应首先做出哪种报告()
A. 诊断报告 B. 传染病报告 C. 转归报告 D. 订正报告 E. 归口报告 [单选题]工作地段所有由工作班自行装设的接地线拆除后,工作负责人应及时向相关工作许可人(含配合停电线路、设备许可人)报告()。
A.工作票结束 B.工作票终结 C.工作结束 D.工作终结 E.略 F.略 [单选题]生产经营单位的从业人员不服从管理,违反安全生产规章制度或者操作规程的,构成犯罪的,依照( )有关规定追究刑事责任 。
A.铁路法 B.铁路安全管理条例 C.刑法 [单选题]MRIT2加权像对识别MS何种改变有帮助:( )
A.局灶性癫痫活动 B.脱髓鞘 C.颅内压增加 D.急性炎症 我来回答: 提交