At the University of California at Los
Angeles (UCLA) , a student loaded his class notes into a handheld e-mail device
and tried to read them during an exam: a classmate turned him in. At the
University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV) students photographed test questions
with their cell phone cameras and transmitted them to classmates. The university
put in place a new examination-supervision system. "If they’d spend as much time
studying, they’d all be A students," says Ron Yasbin, dean of the College of
Sciences of UNLV. With a variety of electronic devices, American students find it easier to cheat. And college officials find themselves in a new game of eat and mouse. They are trying to fight would-he cheats in the exam season by cutting off Internet access from laptops(笔记本电脑), demanding the surrender of cell phones before A. examinations taken with pens and paper were useless in fighting cheating B. his examination paper was under-graded because of his bad hand-writing C. cheating was more serious in writing papers than in examinations D. it was more difficult for him to lift other people’s writings off the Internet [单项选择]患者,男,72岁,左上后牙自发痛伴搏动性跳痛2天。检查:左上7远中邻面深龋洞,叩(+++),冷测及电测均无反应,松动(-)。X线片示根尖周透射影。诊断:左上7慢性根尖周炎急性发作。给予开髓引流后开放处理。治疗后疼痛未明显缓解,出现面部肿胀,体温升高。以下哪一项不是引起上述反应的原因()
A. 开髓孔过小 B. 反复使用器械扩大根尖孔 C. 根尖孔未穿通 D. 患者体质差,抗感染力弱 E. 未服用抗生素 [多选题]高海拔地区施工或外出时不得单独行动,并应保持联络,应根据实际情况配备食物、饮用水,车辆燃油等应急物品。
A.应急物品 B.食物 C.饮用水 D.车辆燃油 [判断题]明火和灼热体发出的辐射热能引起周围可燃物质着火外,太阳的辐射能也能引起易燃物质发生自燃。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]接地线应采用多股编织裸铜线或外覆透明绝缘层铜质软绞线或铜带,接地线的截面应能满足相应试验项目要求,但不得小于( )平方毫米。
A.1.5 B.2.5 C.4 D.6 [多项选择]教育管理体制的主要制约因素包括()。
A. 国家的政治体制 B. 社会的经济状况 C. 国家改革潮流 D. 本国教育和文化传统 [多选题]岗位规范中,定员定额标准的内容包括( )。
A.编制定员标准 B.产量定额标准 C.时间定额标准 D.编制定额标准 E.各类岗位人员标准 [单选题]TSG-15B型受电弓,用游标卡尺测量滑板厚度,相同滑板工作范围内最高点与最低点厚度差不大于( ),否则磨修或更换。
A.3mm B.4mm C.5mm D.6mm [单选题]下列症状不属于人工流产综合征的是:( )
A.恶性、呕吐 B.尿量增多 C.血压下降 D.面色苍白 [单项选择]民用建筑工程室内用壁纸中甲醛含量不应大于()mg/kg。
A. 100 B. 120 C. 150 D. 200 我来回答: 提交