In the month of September, in Britain, you may see large numbers of birds (1) on roofs and telegraph wires. These birds are swallows. They are (2) together because, very soon, they will be flying. (3) to much warmer lands, where they will find (4) the small flying insects on which they (5) . There are no such insects (6) in Britain during the winter; it is (7) cold for them.
The swallows settle, fly off, swoop, and (8) again. This they do many times, for they are making short (9) flights in order to be fit for the long journey (10) them.
(11) of these migrating birds leave Britain in the autumn. They fly (12) for hundreds of miles (13) they reach the warm lands of Africa. But not all the birds get there, for many of them perish in the stormy weather they meet with (14) .
In the spring of the following year they" (15) the long and tiring journey bac
A. have
B. fly
C. find
D. make
The linear flight formations of
migratory birds are called echelons. The V and the J structures are typical and
are the most readily recognized flock echelons, but other variations also occur.
Studies of several species have shown that a true V-shaped echelon is, in fact,
less common than a J formation is. There are two well-supported and complementary explanations for why birds fly in formation. One is to conserve energy by taking advantage of the upward vortex fields created by the wings of the birds in front. The other is to facilitate orientation and communication among the birds. These explanations are not mutually exclusive, and both have been backed by a variety of studies. The relative importance of each undoubtedly shifts as various factors, such as the season of the year or the purpose of individual flights, change. A. Using the energy conservation hypothesis to categorize the positions of birds. B. Using fluid dynamics and energy wave configuration calculations. C. Using photography to analyze various flock formations. D. Using knowledge of birds’ visual axes, "blind spots" and field of vision. [单选题]关于触电救护的说法,错误的是()。
A.人触电以后,由于痉挛等原因不能自行摆脱电源,使触电者脱离电源是救护首要 B.救护人必须使用适当的绝缘工具,以防自己触电 C.应防止触电者脱离电源后可能的摔伤 D.直接对伤者进行拖拽,及时施救 [单选题]充分利用车站站厅、()空间结构合理调整换乘路线,换乘空间不足 的车站在必要时可设置地面换乘路线,缓解换乘客流压力。
A.付费区 B.非付费区 C.出入口 D.站台 [判断题]()组织或者参与本单位安全生产教育和培训,是煤矿企业安全生产管理机构以及安全生产管理人员的工作职责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高效的绩效考核和绩效管理可以提高企业的核心竞争力、实现企业长期目标和短期目标的结合,它是( )
A.企业战略目标层目的 B.企业人力资源管理层目的 C.宏观层目的 D.微观层目的 [多选题]在计量自动化终端内部,用于与主站通讯的重要参数有( )。
A.APN B.主站电话号码 C.心跳周期 D.主站IP E.备用IP F.IP端口号 [判断题]如环带链和十字交叉组网的情况,在中心节点将业务流向解析出来,在进行波分层面或者SDH层面的业务保护倒换后,以再生段为单位进行扩容。
[判断题]( ) 在军用列车(车组)中,带风档的客车(含自备客车)可以与大手闸台的货车带手闸端连挂。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列风险源辨识过程具体涉及( )?
A.确定危险、危害因素的分布和内容 B.确定伤害(危害)方式、途径和范围 C.确定主要危险、危害因素 D.确定重大危险、危害因素 [判断题]《青岛农商银行员工违规违纪行为处理操作规程》自2021年7月1日起实行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]角膜弯曲度的检查手段中,不包括()。
A. Pentocam眼前节检查仪 B. Placido盘映照法 C. 角膜曲率计 D. 角膜地形图仪 E. 检影验光法 [单项选择]我国第一部病案专著是( )
A. 《诸病源候论》 B. 《千金要方》 C. 《伤寒论》 D. 《肘后备急方》 [单选题]传统的X射线成 像方式采用的是 .
A.模拟技术 B.数字 化X射线成像技术 C.窗口 技术 D.微电子和计算机数字图像技术 E.以 上都不是 [单项选择]Sub过程与Function过程最根本的区别是
A. Sub过程可以用Call语句直接使用过程名调用,而Function过程不可以 B. Function过程可以有形参,Sub过程不可以 C. Sub过程不能返回值,而Function过程能返回值 D. 两种过程参数的传递方式不同 [单选题]多轴飞行器在运输过程中的注意事项是
A.做好减震措施,固定云台并安装云台固定支架,装箱运输 B.装箱运输,也可行李李箱运输 C.可随意拆装运输 [单项选择]“营销就是在一种利益之下建立、维持巩固与消费者及其他参与者的关系,只有这样,各方的目标才能实现,这要通过相互的交换和承诺去达到。”这一定义描述的是()。
A. 整合营销 B. 直复营销 C. 关系营销 D. 事件营销 [单选题]当集成译码器 74LS138 的 3 个使能端都满足要求时,其输出端为( )有效。
A.高电平 B.低电平 C.高阻 D.低阻 [判断题]双管供风旅客列车运行途中改为单管供风时,须发布调度命令。(技规)
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交