Security concerns have prompted the
federal departments of State and Homeland Security to tighten the process for
issuing visas and to impose rigorous new monitoring procedures for many
international students once they enter the United States. Colleges have
struggled to comply with new reporting requirements and deal with admitted
students whose entry into the country has been delayed by the new
procedures. One result of these problems has been a renewed discussion of the presence of substantial numbers of international students on U.S. campuses. Anecdotal reports suggest that the number of new international students entering the United States is declining. The downward trend is consistent with data on the number of student visas being issued by the State Department. Applications by Arab and Musl A. Because the new reporting requirements demand so. B. There is a large number of international students on U.S. campuses. C. Because of its concern of civil security. D. There are too many students applying to study in U.S. [单选题]人工挖孔桩基础施工时,孔深超过10m时,应有专用风机向孔内送风风量不得少于( )L/s。
A.10 B.15 C.20 D.25 [多选题] ( )党支部思想政治工作的具体任务包括落实“走基层、访万家”要求,加强对( )、( )、( )的帮扶救助工作。
A.困难员工 B.困难党员 C.退休员工 D.老党员 [单项选择]有如下程序段:
Dim str As String*10 Dim i Strl="abcdefg" i=12 lenl=Len(i) str2=Right(str1,4) 执行后,len1和str2的返回值分别是______。 A. 12,abcd B. 10,bcde C. 2,defg D. 0,cdef [多项选择]城市环境容量的制约条件主要包括以下( )方面。
A. 城市自然条件 B. 经济技术条件 C. 城市现状条件 D. 历史文化条件 E. 城市交通条件 [单选题]作业人员对本规程应每年考试一次。因故间断电气工作连续三个月及以上者,应重新学习本规程,并经()后,方可恢复工作。
A.安全教育 B.考试合格 C.安全培训 D.技能考核 [单选题]SF6气体是( )的气体。
A.有色无味 B.有色 C.有味 D.无色无味 [单项选择]因违法行为或者违纪行为被开除的期货交易所、证券交易所、证券登记结算机构、证券服务机构、期货公司、证券公司的从业人员和被开除的国家机关工作人员,自被开除之日起未逾()年的,不得申请期货公司董事、监事和高级管理人员的任职资格。
A. 3 B. 5 C. 7 D. 10 [单选题]在基本视图中,被遮盖部分的结构形状用()线表示。
A.虚 B.实 C.点划线 D.双点划线 [多选题]动车组 与 作业由司机与机械师共同进行。
A.重联 B.解编 C.运用 D.检修 [多选题]根据《四川省农村信用社抵债资产管理办法》规定,确定抵债金额可根据( )。
A.抵债资产公允价值 B.未来可变现情况及发生的相关税费 C.双方协商所能抵偿的债务金额 D.直接按法院裁定 [单选题]在场地选择时应避开工程地质恶劣地区,下列( )项不属于此类地区。
A.发生断层和基本烈度大于九度的地区 B.滑坡、冲沟、崩塌地区 C.古井、古墓、坑穴地区 D.矿藏、采空区地区 我来回答: 提交