Once upon a time there was a man who
had fifty red nightcaps to sell at a fair. His wife put them into a great bag
for him which he carried over his shoulder. It was a very hot day. Now the man’s way lay through a wood. When he came to the shade, he put down his bag and sat down to rest. Soon he took one of the red nightcaps out of his bag, put it on, lay down and went to sleep. Now there were monkeys in that wood, and by and by a big old ape came stealing down out of the trees and took one of the red nightcaps out of the bag, put it on his head, and ran up into a tree and sat there grinning and chattering. By and by another ape came stealing down and he too took a red nightcap, put it on and ran up into a tree and he too sat in the tree grinning and chattering. [判断题]数据库投运前,应按需配置访问数据库的MAC地址。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《收费公路车辆通行费车型分类》(JT/T 489-2019),货车按照()为依据进行分类,并由原来的5类车型调整为6类。
A.额定载质量 B.车辆总轴数 C.车长 D.车辆总质量 [多选题]以下情况容易造成违规外联( )。
A.断开内网上外网,外网包括除国网公司内网之外的一切网络 B.安装桌面管理系统客户端的电脑在信息内网和外网交叉使用 C.带上网功能的手机接在USB口可以造成违规外联 D. 使用内网计算机USB接口给智能手机充电 [单项选择]女,35岁。右上腹剧痛2小时。腹痛为阵发性,向右下腹、右大腿内侧放射,伴有大汗、恶心、呕吐,尿色发红,无尿频、尿急、尿痛。月经规律。体检:体温37.3℃,右肋脊角叩痛(+),右腹直肌外缘平脐水平压痛(+)。尿常规隐血(+++),尿镜检RBC 6~10/HP。诊断首先考虑
A. 消化性溃疡穿孔 B. 输尿管结石 C. 慢性肾炎急性发作 D. 膀胱肿瘤 E. 宫外孕 [单项选择]张某向商业银行申请个人住房抵押贷款,期限15年。该行在张某尚未来得及办理他项权证的情况下,便提前向其发放贷款,不久张某出车祸身亡,造成该笔贷款处于高风险状态。此情况应归类为()引起的操作风险。
A. 信贷人员技能匮乏 B. 贷款流程执行不严 C. 内部欺诈 D. 未授权交易 [单项选择]What does the woman mean( ).
A. She likes walking up six floors. B. She feels very tired walking up six floors. C. She doesn’t like a lift. [单项选择]将亮色涂于颏部,两腮部略用影色收敛,同时面部的其他部位也适应收敛,这样方法矫正的下颌是()。
A. 下颌过尖 B. 下颌短 C. 颏沟过深 D. 平下颏 我来回答: 提交