下列关于甲的行为性质的表述,正确的是()。 A few common misconceptions Beauty is
only skin-deep. One’s physical assets and liabilities don’t count all that much
in a managerial career. A woman should always try to look her best. Over the last 30 years, social scientists have conducted more than 1,000 studies of how we react to beautiful and not-so-beautiful people. The virtually unanimous conclusion: Looks do matter, mom than most of us realize. The data suggest, for example, that physically attractive individuals are more likely to be treated well by their parents, sought out as friends, and pursued romantically. With the possible exception of women seeking managerial jobs, they are also more likely to be hired, paid well, and promoted. Un-American, you say, unfair and extremely unbelievable Once again, the scientists have caught us mouthing pieces while acting just the A. people do not realize the importance of looking one’s best B. women in pursuit of managerial jobs are not likely to be paid well C. good-looking women aspire to managerial positions D. attractive people generally have an advantage over those who are not [判断题]-H-C-001 4 1 1
2C装置检测必须在无强烈雨雪、能见度良好的天气条件下进行。 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]脊柱骨折急救转送时要特别注意( )
A. 详细检查病人 B. 勿使脊柱弯曲 C. 吸氧输液 D. 严禁坐位 [多项选择]下列哪些不是躯体形式障碍的特征:()
A. 病人反复陈述躯体的症状 B. 不断要求做相关的医学检查 C. 能相信医生对无躯体疾病的保证 D. 主动谈及其心理病因 E. 发病与其个性有关 [单选题]视频设备宜与根关业务()挂接,视频、音频的开启与录制宜满足相关监控需求。
A.应用系统 B.现场作业 C.应用软件 D.应用设备 [判断题]在冰雪路面行驶,转弯时不要急打方向,不能急刹车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]测定水样钠含量时,电极应放入样水深度 ( )处,不宜晃动。
[单项选择]在核保险集团提供的核物质损失保险中,对常规岛所遭受的常规风险提供保障,但任何核风险引起的损失,( )。
A. 保险人承担全部赔偿责任 B. 保险人承担部分赔偿责任 C. 保险人不予负责 D. 被保险人承担部分费用 我来回答: 提交