{{B}}Can the Cat be Burnt {{/B}} The men of a German (德国人,德语) town bought a cat from a passing traveller. As the traveller was walking away, they called out to him, "What does it eat " "Whatever you please," shouted the traveller. Now the people thought (认为,考虑) he said, "Men and beasts", and were much afraid. "When it has eaten all the mice and rats," they said, "it will eat our cattle (牲口) and ourselves (我们自己). What a pity we bought it! We must kill it." Now as no one was brave (勇敢的) enough to kill the cat, the people set fire to the house where it was resting. The cat escaped through a window and ran into another house. "Better burn that," said the people. So they set fire to that one, too. Again the cat escaped and climbed up on a roof. Then someone struck at it with a long [单项选择]青霉素引起的过敏性休克的首选治疗药物是()。
A. 多巴胺 B. 去甲肾上腺素 C. 肾上腺素 D. 酚妥拉明 E. 间羟胺 [判断题] 冒充国家机关工作人员招摇撞骗的,应当从重处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] (Lb4A3117).在220kV线路上进行等电位作业时,等电位电工转移电位时,人体裸露部分与带电体的最小距离为( )m。
A.0.1; B.0.2; C.0.3; D.0.4。 [单项选择]有关新生儿期保健错误的是
A. 新生儿要特别注意保暖 B. 尽早母乳喂养 C. 注意对新生儿皮肤、脐带的护理 D. 按时接种各种疫苗 E. 尽早添加辅食 [判断题]
客运企业安全生产责任制不包括管理科室及其负责人的安全生产责任.目标及考核标准。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于缩宫素对子宫平滑肌作用的叙述,下列哪一点是错误的()
A. 对子宫平滑肌的缩宫素受体有直接兴奋作用 B. 大、小剂量均可引起子宫平滑肌节律性收缩 C. 使子宫底节律收缩,子宫颈松弛 D. 临产时子宫对药物最敏感 E. 子宫平滑肌对药物敏感性与雌激素水平有关 [简答题]
[单选题]CCBII电子空气制动系统在本机模式下,16号管增加压力同列车管减少压力的比率为( )。
A.2:01 B.1899/12/31 0:01:02 C.2.5:1 [单选题]治疗要获得病人的知情同意,其道德价值不包括
A.维持社会公正 B.保护患者自主权 C.解脱医生责任 D.协调医患关系 E.保证医疗质量 [单选题]( )气瓶使用时必须直立使用。
A.乙炔 B.液氯 C.氢气 [单选题]患者,男性,56 岁,因肠梗阻行胃肠减压时出现血性引流液,该患者可能进展为( )
A.粘连性肠梗阻 B.肠套叠 C.绞窄性肠梗阻 D.麻痹性肠梗阻 E.痉挛性肠梗阻 我来回答: 提交