Selection to participate in a top
executive-education program is an important rung on the ladder to top corporate
jobs. U. S. corporations (1) billions of dollars in this
form of management development -- and use it to (2) and
train fast-track managers. Yet one (3) of executive
education found that less than 5% of the managers (4) to
these high-profile programs are women -- and minorities are terribly
(5) as well. The numbers are (6) . In regular business (7) usually paid for by the participant, not an employer -- there are plenty of women and minorities. Women, for example, (8) for about 30% of MBA candidates. Yet in the (9) program A. projects B. programs C. plans D. items [填空题]Today there is widespread agreement that multinational corporations will have an important effect on international relations and world economy. But there is little agreement on exactly what that effect will be. There are two groups of those who see them as benevolent and those who see them as evil.
Among those who see multinational corporations as benevolent, many emphasize their importance in helping reduce the gap between rich countries and poor ones. These business giants are referred to as "engines of development", because it is claimed that they do more to improve the economic life in less developed countries than all governmental foreign aid programs have ever done. By setting up factories abroad, they provide jobs; by equipping these factories with the latest machines and equipment, they make available the most modern technology. (41) . Multinational corporations today do not need their countries to provide military force to open foreign countries to their investmen [单选题]“春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还?”出自王安石的诗作《泊船瓜洲》,其中瓜洲隶属于今天____。
A.扬州 B.南京 C.镇江 D.常州 [单项选择]某患者,呃逆连声,常因情志不畅而诱发或加重,胸胁满闷,脘腹胀满,嗳气纳减,肠鸣矢气,苔薄白,脉弦。该病人的证候属于()
A. 脾胃虚寒 B. 气机郁滞 C. 痰饮内阻 D. 胃阴不足 E. 外邪犯胃 [单选题]赤热的铁在_________中能发生剧烈燃烧。
A.空气 B.纯氧 C.纯氯气 D.强光 [单项选择]集油器顶部焊有(),作用是回收氨气和降低集油器内的压力。
A. 安全阀 B. 进液阀 C. 出液阀 D. 回气管接头 [多选题]进境船运散装粮食表层检疫的重点包括____等。
A.有无水湿结块、发霉变质等情况 B.有无鼠类、鸟类等动物及尸体、动物排泄物等情况 C.有无熏蒸剂残留物 D.有无活虫 [多项选择]紫癜血虚证的治疗原则是()。
A. 温中健脾 B. 补气摄血 C. 活血补血 D. 滋阴凉血 E. 凉血化瘀 [单项选择]企业延期付款额度根据该企业上年度进出口()进行核准。
A. 付汇总额50% B. 收汇总额50% C. 付汇总额10% D. 收汇总额10% [判断题]全口径全过程项目统计的投资控制链条包含可研批复、初设批复、竣工结算、财务决算。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]目润属
A. 目态主病 B. 目形主病 C. 门色主病 D. 目神主病 E. 目眦为病 [多选题]5.112.第112题其他更换(发生除计量标准器或主要配套设备以外的其他更换),叙述正确的为()
A.如果开展检定或校准所依据的计量检定规程或技术规范发生更换,如果这种更换使技术要求和方法发生实质性变化,则应当申请计量标准复查考核,申请复查考核应当同时提供计量检定规程或技术规范变化的对照表; B.如果计量标准的环境条件及设施发生重大变化,例如:固定的计量标准保存地点发生变化、实验室搬迁等,应当向主持考核的人民政府计量行政部门报告,期间应当暂时停止开展检定或校准工作; C.更换检定或校准人员,应当在《计量标准履历书》中予以记载; D.如果申请考核单位名称发生更换,应当向主持考核的人民政府计量行政部门报告,并申请换发《计量标准考核证书》; E.如果开展检定或校准所依据的计量检定规程或技术规范发生更换,应当在《计量标准履历书》中予以记载。 [单选题]二次接线图的(____)是用来表示二次接线中各二次设备元件的电气连接及其工作原理的电气回路图。
A.安装接线图 B.展开接线图 C.原理接线图 D.单元接线图 [单选题]承发包工程中,工作票()。
A.必须由设备运维单位签发 B.必须由承包单位签发 C.可实行“双签发”形式 D.必须由主管部门签发 E.略 F.略 我来回答: 提交