Computer and School Education There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set. Now those {{U}} (51) {{/U}} seem hopelessly old-fashioned; this Christmas, there were a lot of personal computers under the tree. {{U}} (52) {{/U}} that computers are the key to success, parents are also financially insisting that children {{U}} (53) {{/U}} taught to use them in school—as early as possible. The problem for schools is that when it {{U}} (54) {{/U}} computers, parents don’t always know best. Many schools are {{U}} (55) {{/U}} parental impatience and are purchasing hardware without sound educational planning so they can say, "OK, we’ve moved into the computer age. " Teachers found t A. adopt B. keep C. adapt D. devote [单选题][T]A-D-H-002 3 2 3
道岔轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中,160km/h≥Vmax>120km/h 的正线轨距作业验收的 容许偏差管理值为( )。 A.+3、-2mm B.+4、-2mm C.+5、-2mm D.+6、-2mm [多项选择]仓库位置选择要求()、环境适宜
A. 交通方便面 B. 布局合理 C. 地势较好 D. 通风良好 [单选题]620.热拌沥青混合料路面应待摊铺层自然降温至表面温度低于()℃后,方可开放交通
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.80 [判断题]公安消防部队在参与重大灾害事故应急救援中,个人防护等级分为特级、一级、二级、三级。()
A.对 B.错 [单项选择]有关税收特征的说法,错误的是()。
A. 税收不是由纳税主体按照个人意志自愿缴纳 B. 税收不是按照征税主体随意征税 C. 税收直接向具体纳税人返还或支付报酬 D. 税收表现为个体的无偿性、整体的有偿性 [判断题]《建筑法》规定,建筑工程设计应当符合按照国家规定制定的建筑安全规程和技术规范,保证工程的可靠性能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工现场临时用电安全技术规范中代号“M”是指( )用电设备
A.夯土机 B.水泵 C.电动机 D.电焊机 [单选题]安全带的挂钩或绳子应挂在结实牢固的构件上,或专为挂安全带用的钢丝绳上,并应采用低挂高用的方式。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]员工的关键绩效指标一般结合其岗位说明书中明确的岗位职责,依据公司及本单位年度关键绩效指标,按照逐级分解的原则设定,指标设定越多越好。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]断路器在合闸位置时红灯亮,同时监视着跳闸回路的完好性。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]高速铁路是()技术、()技术和新材料、新工艺等多种技术门类、多专业综合的高新技术集成。
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