Hello, everyone. Today I will introduce you the learning chains in Britain. Here the chains refer to schools linked together as part of a group. They can offer students many practical advantages.
When people are asked to name a language school, more often than not, they think of one of the large international chains of schools. Some are vast language teaching organizations with schools in many different countries and may teach just one language.
One of the main strengths of these chains is the fact that their name is familiar to people all over the world. This can be a big advantage in the confusing world of language learning. Most students are bewildered by the large choice of schools and courses on offer, both at home and abroad, and so many prefer to choose a school which has a familiar name and an established reputation. Chain schools know this, and part of their success is due to effective marketing and advertising, which helps to keep their name well-known.<
Most publishing is now "electronic" in
the sense that books, magazines and newspapers are prepared on computers, and
exist as computer files before they are printed on paper. Often there are
advantages to give readers access to the electronic versions of publications as
well as--or even instead of--the printed versions. Print publications have lots of advantages. Paper is pleasant to handle, easy to read, and very portable: you can read it almost anywhere. On the other hand, print has its weaknesses. Paper is expensive, and articles are often cut to fit the space available, printing and distributing paper is expensive and takes time. Printed materials are expensive to store and almost impossible to search. Electronic publishing offers solutions to all these problems. Suppose a publisher makes the electronic copy of a A. it can be carried around B. it can be read in many places C. it can be immediately accessed D. it requires little delivery cost [多选题]以下选项中会导致受电弓降下的是( )。
A.司机通过紧急制动蘑菇按钮触发紧急制动时 B.列车进入睡眠状态后 C.降弓指令有效 D.升弓指令有效 [单项选择]患者经前或经期小腹胀痛,行经量少,淋漓不畅,血色紫暗有瘀块,块下则痛减,乳房作胀,舌质暗,有瘀点,脉沉弦。患者证属 ()
A. 气血虚弱 B. 肝气瘀滞 C. 寒湿凝滞 D. 肝肾不足 E. 气滞血瘀 [多选题]下列哪些是MCCB落下的现象?( )
A.DDU显示列车无激活端且有紧制 B.司机室所有指示灯灭 C.门模式选择开关无效 D.模式选择开关无效 [单选题]脑端微信取证,弹出“开始取证微信”,点击“确定”,软件自动打开微信PC应用程序,用受害人手机微信扫描,此二维码并登陆PC微信,单机PC微信程序左下角“( )”,备份聊天记录至电脑,在手机微信中定向选择嫌疑人微信,或聊天群进行备份提取,按提示进程全部完成后,嫌疑人微信证据定向提取成功
A.请连接设备 B.备份与恢复 C.自动登录 [单选题]慢性再生障碍性贫血的最主要表现是:( )
A.贫血 B.出血 C.感染 D.肝脾肿大 E.发热 [判断题]“桂子花开,十里飘香。”这个句子运用了夸张和对偶的修辞方法。
A.客户信息 B.申请上浮利率 C.申请金额、存期 D.审批部门 [多选题]锅炉事故处置时,侦察锅炉( )、( ),使用性质、燃料,险情变化和处置环境等情况。
A. 型号 B. 位置 C. 类型 D. 体积 [单选题]打开九号线自动检票机维护门,乘客显示屏显示系统状态界面。值班员通过维护键盘在界面中选择对应的按键值进行设备模块状态的检测。点击( )进入管理员登录界面。
A.F1键 B.Enter键 C.F2键 D.Esc键 我来回答: 提交