{{B}}Calling for
Safe Celebrations This Fourth of July{{/B}} Last Fourth of July, Pete, a 14-year-old boy, was enjoying the lit-up skies and loud booms from the fireworks being set off in his neighborhood. Suddenly, the evening took a terrible turn. A bottle rocket shot into his eye, immediately causing him terrible pain. His family rushed him to the emergency room for treatment. As a result of the injury, Pete developed glaucoma and cataracts. Today, Pete has permanent vision loss in his injured eye because of his bottle rocket injury. June is Fireworks Eye Safety Awareness Month, and through its EyeSmart campaign the American Academy of Ophthalmology wants to remind consumers to leave fireworks to professionals. "There is nothing worse than a. Fourth of July celebrat A. celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks. B. leave fireworks to professionals in their celebrations. C. stop celebrating the Fourth of July altogether. D. set off fireworks together with trained professionals. [单选题]图示转角杆塔塔腿编号正确的是( )。
A.图1 B.图2 C.图3 D.图4 [多项选择]工程物资主要包括( )。
A. 成品 B. 建筑材料 C. 半成品 D. 构配件 E. 建筑图纸 [单选题]10.Trade based on technological gaps is closely related to:
A.A.the H-O theory B.B.the product-cycle theory C.C.Linder's theory D.D.all of the above [单选题]尖轨在第一拉杆中心处的设计动程,曲尖轨时为() mm。
A.142 B.152 C.160 D.180 [单项选择]公司法和公司章程规定,下列事项必须经股东大会作出决议的,董事会应当及时召集股东大会会议,由股东大会就该事项进行表决。下列说法正确的是( )。
A. 公司连续五年不向股东分配利润,且该公司五年连续盈利,并且符合规定的分配利润条件的 B. 公司的董事以公司的财产为他人提供担保 C. 公司转让主要的财产 D. 章程规定的营业期限届满,股东会会议通过决议修改章程使公司存续 [单项选择]比较微弱又比较持久的情绪状态指的是
A. 心情 B. 心境 C. 应激 D. 激情 E. 以上都不是 [填空题]初步认定SARS的病原是_______
[判断题]建设单位在编制工程招标文件时,应当确定公路水运工程项目安全作业环境及安全 施工措施所需的安全生产费用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交