多竖杆式天窗架如题图(d)所示。在风荷载作用下,假定天窗斜杆(DE、DF)仅承担拉力。试问,当风荷载设计值W1=2.5kN时,DF杆的轴心拉力设计值(kN)应与下列()项数值最为接近。 Many people want to know how to analyze
problems they meet. There are six stages in analyzing a problem. First the person must recognize that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must see that there is a problem with his bicycle. Next the thinker must define the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must find the reason why it does not work. For instance, he must determine if the problem is with the gears, the brakes, or the frame. He must make his problem more specific. Now the person must look for information that will make the problem clearer and lead to possible solutions. For instance, suppose Sam decided that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the gear wheels. At this time, he can look in his bicycle rep A. recognize and define the problem B. look for information to make the problem clearer C. have suggestions for a possible solution D. find a solution by trial or mistake [单项选择]主要通过消化道传播的传染病是()
A. 伤寒 B. 艾滋病 C. 麻疹 D. 钩端螺旋体病 E. 疟疾 [单选题]()到轨边进行作业时由设备维修或管理车间派人按规定进行防护、配合,
A.劳务工 B.厂方人员 C.正式职工 D.作业负责人 [单选题]国家励志奖学金的奖励对象是( )学生。
A.所有全日制在校 B.在校生中二年级以上(含二年级)的学生 C.在校生中三年级以上全日制 D.在校生中四年级全日制 [多选题]三显示( )闭塞区段进站色灯信号机显示一个红色灯光表示不准列车越过该信号机。
A.自动 B.半自动 C.自动站间 D.场间 [单选题]:商业银行应当向银监会报告未并表和并表后的资本充足率。并表后的资本充足率每( )报送一次,未并表的资本充足率每( )报送一次。
A.半年;年 B.半年;季 C.季;半年 D.年;年 [判断题]列车运行途中,遇施工取消、施工提前结束、改变行车办法等,如需要解除对应IC卡数据控制时,乘务员可自行解除。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交