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发布时间:2024-08-29 20:33:33

[单选题]A wingtip or engine scrape occurs, if the roll angle exceeds ____.
A. 15 °
B. 17.5°
C. 20 °

更多"[单选题]A wingtip or engine scrape occ"的相关试题:

[单选题]A wingtip or engine scrape occurs, if the roll angle exceeds ____ (with the landing gear compressed).
A. 15 °
B. 16 °
C. 17 °
[单选题]For the distance between wingtip and obstruction is less than _, aircraft must be guided by ground personnel for taxi, otherwise, should stop taxing.
[单选题]Transmission of engine parameters and engine monitoring information to cockpit indicators include:
A. starting system status and primary engine parameter
B. thrust reverser system status and FADEC system status
C. Both of the above.
[判断题]( )DNC(Dis对ribu对ed Numerical Con对rol)称为分布式数控,是实现 CAD/CAM 和 计算机辅助生产管理系统集成的纽带,是机械加工自动化的又一种形式。
[单选题]A tailstrike occurs, if the pitch attitude exceeds ???____ (with the landing gear compressed).
A. 9.5 °
B. 10°
C. 11 °
[单选题]When a hung start or hot start occurs during the start:
A. it is not necessary for the crew to shut down the engine because the FADEC applies an automatic recovery sequence.
B. fuel will be commanded OFF and then re-commended ON within 0.5s and dual ignition is applied.
C. Both of the above are correct.
[单选题]下列程序段执行完后, MOV CL, 3 MOV BX, 0B7H ROL BX, 1 ROR BX, CL BX寄存器中的内容是( )。
[填空题]diesel engine
[单选题]The ELAC power-up test occurs when_______
A. electrical power is turned on,
B. after the occurrence of an electrical transient lasting longer than 25 ms.
C. all of the above
[单选题]Bleed air from engine:
A. is to use cold bleed air of engine fan and it’s cooled by air heat exchanger
B. It’s only cooled by the air of air conditioning
C. It’s cooled by ambient air
[单选题]Engine LP fuel valve closes when
A. the pressure of fuel pressurization pump descends
B. engine shut-down or engine fire alarm pushbutton out
C. engine fire alarm detection system detects ENG FIRE PUSH
[单选题]The FADEC protection against engine exceeding limits includes:
A. protection against N1 and N2 overspeed.
B. monitoring of GET during engine start.
C. Both of the above are correct.
[单选题]The green engine bleed pressure numbers indicate the bleed upstream of the precooler. When do these numbers become amber?
A. When the pressure drops below 21 PSI with N2≥10%.
B. When there is an overpressure.
C. Both of the above are correct.
[单选题]According to engine pressure demand, when heating and cooling demand in one zone can’t be satisfied:
A.It must manually increase minimum idle
B.It will automatically increase minimum idle
C.In any case that flight idle can be enough
[单选题]When engine anti-icing valve opens:
A. Relevant engine N2 reduce
B. N2 increase, engine EPR limit decrease automatically
C. Engine pressure ratio or N2 no change
[单选题]Why engine 2 is usually started first?
A. To pressurize the green hydraulic system and maintain the parking brake pressure.
B. To pressurize the yellow hydraulic system and maintain the parking brake pressure.
C. To pressurize the blue hydraulic system and maintain the parking brake pressure.
[单选题]The engine thrust setting is made through control of the Engine Pressure Ratio (EPR). Which of the following is correct?
A. EPR= Low Pressure Turbine exhaust pressure (P5)/Engine inlet pressure (P2)
B. EPR mode is the normal mode to control the thrust. The required EPR is set by controlling the fuel flow. If no EPR is available the affected FADEC will automatically revert to N1 mode EPR.
C. Both of the above are correct.
[单选题]When single engine operates, if it reaches low-level fuel
A. X FEED valve must open
B. X FEED valve must close
C. X FEED valve automatically open


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