Scientific research has revealed that
throughout the animal world, communication is just as important as it is to
human beings. Countless animals lack the{{U}} (67) {{/U}}for human
speech, yet they employ entirely different methods in order to communicate{{U}}
(68) {{/U}}each other. Some of the most dramatic examples of this are
provided by birds. There arc roughly 10000{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of birds in
the world, each of which has its own miraculous features. {{U}} (70)
{{/U}}you may live, you can see a great number of these feathered creatures
and can{{U}} (71) {{/U}}different and extraordinary properties. In
addition to their flawless flight mechanisms, expertise{{U}} (72)
{{/U}}the routes and timing of migrations, and ability to build nests, their
methods to communicate is{{U}} (73) {{/U}}wonder. At critical times in
birds’ lives, the A. by B. in C. on D. at [单选题]用间接方法判断操作后的设备位置时,至少应有两个()指示发生对应变化,且所有这些确定的指示均已同时发生对应变化,方可确认该设备已操作到位。
A.非同样构造或非同源的 B.同样原理或同源的 C.非同样原理或非同源的 D.非同样原理或非同期的 E.略 F.略 [简答题]《赵武灵王胡服骑射》赵武灵王是怎样说服公子成的?
[单项选择]目前国内外使用广泛的一种室内墙面装饰材料是( )。
A. 塑料装饰板材 B. 塑料地板 C. 塑料壁纸 D. 塑钢门窗 [判断题]电阻串联后的总电阻等效电阻等于各电阻之和。易
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The outcry over Internet firms’ habit of secretly tracking web surfers’ activities has clearly resonated inside the White House. On March 16th the Obama administration announced that it intends to work with Congress to produce a "privacy bill of rights" giving American consumers greater control over how their information is collected and used by digital marketers.
Those who have been lobbying for change agree with, but are unsympathetic to, Internet firms’ worries that such a law could damage their advertising-driven business models, which rely on tracking and targeting consumers to maximize revenues. "This is dimming the prospects of Google, Facebook and other digital ad companies," says Jeffrey Chester of the Centre for Digital Democracy. Quite how dark things get for them will depend on the details of the bill. It will seek to lay down the basic principles of Internet privacy rights, broadly following recommendations published last December by the Department of Commerce. T A. give Federal Trade Commission more power B. protect Internet users from intrusive data gathering C. damage Internet firms’ advertising-driven business models D. strike monopoly of America’s Internet giants [多选题]洗钱活动有哪些途径。( )
A. 通过地下钱庄 B. 利用别人的账户提现 C. 通过购买彩票、房产、珠宝古董进行洗钱 D. 设立空壳公司 [判断题]超过、不满、不足不包括本数。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 271.教学计划是课程安排的具体形式,包括()。
A.学科设置 B.学科开设顺序 C.教学时数 D.学习时间安排 [单选题] 飞行任务完成后不需要做的工作是[1分]
A.检讨飞行执行过程 B.填写飞行日志或记录本 C.评价并记录机组人员表现 [单选题]患者查出脑血管畸形,突然跌倒,昏迷,脉搏52次/分,双瞳不等大,左瞳孔4mm,右瞳孔2mm,右侧锥体束征阳性,诊断为:
A.小脑幕切迹疝 B.小脑扁桃体疝 C.视神经损伤 D.颅内低压 E.原发性脊髓损伤 [单项选择]“十三五”期间,()将进一步完善立体交通网络,大力提升面向东盟、联动珠三角、沟通西南中南腹地的服务功能,加快建设区域性国际综合交通枢纽中心,积极打造中国面向东盟开放合作的区域性国际城市和“一带一路”有机衔接的重要门户城市。
A. 广州 B. 昆明 C. 桂林 D. 南宁 [单项选择]下列项目质量控制的方法中,典型的动态分析方法是()。
A. 排列图法 B. 因果分析图法 C. 直方图法 D. 控制图法 [单项选择]其在皮者,汗而发之出自的医著是()
A. 《黄帝内经》 B. 《难经》 C. 《金匮要略》 D. 《伤寒论》 E. 《诸病源候论》 [判断题]现浇拱圈或梁板施工,在搭设支架、模板时均应设置预拱度。()
[单选题]一铁塔呼称高为36m,组立完毕后检验其倾斜值为90mm,按验收评级标准此塔最终应评为( )。
A.优良 B.合格 C.不合格 D.可以使用 [多选题]工作票票面上的时间、工作地点、( )等关键字不得涂改。
A.名词 B.线路名称 C.设备双重名称(即设备名称和编号) D.动词 [单选题] 呼吸衰竭病人最早最突出的表现是
A.发绀 ; B.呼吸困难 ; C.血压下降 ; D.肝肾功能损害; E.; [填空题]司机发现通过信号机故障时,应将故障信号机的( )通知前方站(列车调度员)。技规第316条
[多选题]消防无线通信加入公安网的同时,通过设置( )保持消防网的独立性。
A. 分调度台 B. 移动调度台 C. 常规台 D. 信道频率 [单选题](電車の中で)ほら.太郎.電車の中を走る___。
A.ね B.よ C.の D.な [判断题]运营事故发生后60分钟内不报为迟报。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交