Just how does a person arrive at an
idea of the kind of person that he is He develops this (1)
of self through a gradual and complicated (2) which
continues throughout life. The notion is an (3) that one
establishes only with the help of others. (4) the elementary
knowledge that one is short or tall is a comparative judgment that we cannot
make (5) we have the opportunity to (6)
ourselves with others. One’s idea of qualities which are harder to
(7) is even more dependent upon other people’s ideas. Whether one is intelligent, or stupid; attractive, or ugly; these and many other ideas of the self are (8) from the reactions of people with whom we (9) A. in brief B. in effect C. after all D. for example [单选题]脉搏短绌常见于( )
A.发热者 B.房室传导阻滞者 C.洋地黄中毒者 D.心房纤颤者 E.甲状腺功能亢进患者 [单选题]在高压线路周围施工,未采用安全措施,也有可能发生( )
A.发生行车伤害事故 B.碰及高压导线触电 C.发生高压停电事故 D.影响高压线路正常供电事故 [单选题] ( )的功用是根据发动机的不同负荷,配制不同成分和数量的可燃混和气,供给气缸 燃烧,以满足发动机所需功率的要求。
A.化油器 B.汽油泵 C.进气管 D.消声器 [简答题]18世纪新古典风格追求的目标及产品特点?
A.输卵管畅通术 B.诊断性刮宫 C.子宫颈活组织检查术 D.阴道后穹隆穿刺术 E.阴道及宫颈细胞学检查 [单项选择]中国文化系统保持动态性的其中一个表现是()。
A. 具有完备的吸收外来文化的机制 B. 具有独特的时空观 C. 具有整一不变的思维结构 D. 具有稳定的历史观 [单项选择]我国黄建始教授研究组()年通过文献查阅和专家咨询查找和确认了目前有科学证据支持的()个健康危险因素。
A. 2006、10 B. 2007、11 C. 2008、12 D. 2009、13 [单项选择]{{I}}Questions 14~17 are based on the following dialogue.{{/I}}What is the result of their last game
A. The man lost his bail. B. The woman won. C. The man won. D. The woman was a beginner. [单项选择]《时代呼唤着安全文化》演讲稿的结尾说:“让我们在接受安全文化洗礼的同时,都来做安全文化的传播者吧!这是历史的呼唤,这是时代的呼唤,这是对每一位劳动者的呼唤!”这里使用的是()。
A. 格言式结尾 B. 总结式结尾 C. 号召式结尾 D. 余韵式结尾 [单选题]患者经行或先或后,量少,色淡暗,质清;或腰骶酸痛,舌淡,苔白,脉细弱。治疗常用的中成药为
A.归脾丸 B.左归丸 C.肾气丸 D.六味地黄丸 E.参苓白术丸 [单选题]零件在交变载荷作用下使用,使表面产生微小裂纹以致剥落称为( )磨损。
A.A、高温 B.B、疲劳 C.C、腐蚀 D.D、氧化 [单选题]对遇湿易燃物品的说法不正确的是( )。
A.氢化钾遇水能生成易燃气体并放出大量的热量,因而具有自燃性 B.遇湿易燃物品遇水或受潮后,发生剧烈的化学反应使水分解,夺取水中的氧与之化合,放出可燃气体和热量 C.遇湿易燃物品遇氧化剂、酸性溶剂时,反应更剧烈,更易引起燃烧或爆炸 D.锌粉、铝镁粉等,在潮湿空气中不能自燃,但与水接触,特别是在高温下反应剧烈,能放出氢气和热量。 [判断题]基本闭塞设备发生故障导致基本闭塞法不能使用、自动闭塞区间内两架及以上通过信号机故障或灯光熄灭时,应停止使用基本闭塞法,改用电话闭塞法行车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]雷击对建筑和树木的机械破坏作用是由()引起的。
A.电效应 B.热效应 C.磁效应 D.机械力效应 [填空题]全面生产维护的八大支柱为:()、计划保全、()、质量保全、业务改善、()、安全环境和教育训练。
A.“北斗” B.“天眼” C.“天问” D.“天和” [判断题]空气是架空电力线路导线之间及导线对地的自然绝缘介质。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]运营公司领导不需携带登乘证登记登乘。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]任何运行中的星形接线设备的中性点,应视为()。
A.A-大电流接地 B.B-不带电 C.C-带电 D.D-停电 [单项选择]有机磷中毒首选检测指标是()
A. ACP B. GGT C. AMY D. CHE E. LPS [填空题]Beijing 2008: The First 4G Wireless Olympic Games
About half a million years ago, Peking man lived in Zhoukoudian, in the southwestern suburbs of what is now Beijing. If you have been to Beijing more recently, or are at all familiar with modern China, then you know this ancient city is going to host the most modern, high-tech Olympic Games ever in 2008. With technology available today, and a vision for what Beijing could be in 2008, there is an opportunity for the hosts to make the city’s telecommunications infrastructure--in the words of the Olympic motto — "swifter, higher, stronger". The Path to 4G Beijing has the good fortune of looking at previous generations of wireless networks and avoiding the same mistakes as it prepares for 2008. First Generation (1G) wireless telecommunications — the brick-like analog phones that are now collector’s items—introduced the cellular architecture that is still being offered by most wireless companies today. Second Generatio [单选题]脑死亡可发生在:
A.临终期 B.濒死期 C.临床死亡前期 D.临床死亡期 E.生物学死亡期 [判断题]一般隐患由煤矿主要负责人指定隐患整改责任人,责成立即整改或限期整改。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交