Trees are useful to man in three
important ways: they provide him with wood and other products; they give him
shade; and they help to prevent droughts and floods. Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important one. In eagerness to make money from trees, men have cut them down in large numbers. And besides, men are usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear. A. How trees help prevent droughts and floods. B. The relationship between trees and man. C. How an empire fell to pieces in an ancient times. D. A story of trees. [判断题]弹性预算的业务量范围,一般按企业正常生产能力的110%来确定()
[单选题]I wish everybody ______the meeting tomorrow.
A.will attend B.would attend C.had attended going to attend [单选题]肝硬化患者近日发热,全腹压痛,抽出腹水混浊,为有效合理治疗,应尽快采取的措施为
A.腹水细菌培养 B.血细菌培养 C.腹水涂片染色查细菌 D.腹部平片 E.抗生素早期联合应用 [单选题]电力网中,当电感元件与电容元件发生串联且感抗等于容抗时,就会发生( )谐振现象。
A.电流; B.电压; C.铁磁; D.磁场。 [判断题]
血小板减少是指血小板数量<150×109/L。( ) [单项选择]
关于可逆过程和不可逆过程有以下几种说法: A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①、②、③、④ [单选题]CRH380A型动车组动车转向架主要由构架、轮对组装、轴箱装置、一系悬挂、二系悬挂、( )、基础制动装置和踏面清扫装置等八部分组成,分别装用于动车组的第2、3、4、5、6和7号车。
A.一系悬挂 B.三系悬挂 C.牵引驱动装置 D.踏面清扫装置 [单项选择]女性,17岁。心慌多汗半年。近1个月出现多饮、多尿就诊。体检:明显消瘦,双眼略突出,甲状腺Ⅱ度大,双上极可闻及血管杂音。血Fr333.5pmol/L,FT440pmol/L,TSH0.01mU/L(0.01μU/ml)患者每餐前尿糖均为(++~+++),空腹血糖12~16mmol/L,HbAlc12.1%。有关糖尿病的诊断,下列可能性最大的是()
A. 2型糖尿病 B. 1型糖尿病 C. 营养不良相关性糖尿病 D. 继发性糖尿病 E. 应激性高血糖 [单选题](单选题0.5 分)
滴虫性阴道炎的典型白带性状是: A.稠厚,白色,豆腐渣样 B.稀薄,均质,白色,鱼腥臭味 C.稀薄,淡黄色 D.稀薄,黄白色,泡沫状 E.黏液脓性 [多选题]发生下列哪些突发情况,可能导致正常运营时段内无法及时完成客流疏运,需在正常运营时段之外延时运营( )。
A.大型公共活动 B.恶劣气候 C.公交停运 D.乘客滞留 [判断题]( )已装货物的铁路货车均为重车。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交